Chapter 8

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Edward's Pov:

It's been 30 minutes since Alice left to invite Bella over. I see her Porsche pull up and run to her.

"Is she coming?!"

"Calm down Romeo. She's coming at 5."

"Should I pick her up then?"

"Sure. But what should we make for dinner? We have no idea how to cook, and Bella's probably a human. She needs to eat."

The thought hits me hard. Bella's probably a human. I can't afford to have feelings for a human- I could hurt her. The thought of eve hurting Bella pains me, even though we haven't known each other that long.

"Let's ask Esme to cook something, she probably knows better than us," I say grudgingly.

In my head, I tell myself that I can't afford to develop feelings for Bella.

Alice heads to the kitchen to ask Esme about food, and I quietly wait for 5:00 to come. It seems to take forever, even though it's only like 45 minutes.

... 4:45

... 4:50

... 4:55

I decide to leave now, so I run to my car and drive as fast as I can to Bella's house.

As I ring the doorbell I prepare myself mentally. I can't think about Bella that way- I can't. I can't I can't I can't I-

She opens the door and I inhale sharply.

Bella's POV:

My eyes widen. Edward looks...gorgeous. His beauty is unlike anything I've ever seen... almost supernatural. It might be because he's a vampire, but I don't get the same feeling when I see Alice or any of the others.

Ugh... I can't think like this! I have to stop! Edward snaps me out of my mental rant.

"Hey, Bella are you ready to go?" He asks sweetly.

"Yeah, um let's go," I reply

We walk to the car and he opens the door for me. He is such a gentleman.

"Thanks, Edward," I say and go in.

"Of course." He replies with a smile and shuts the door.

His smile makes my heart melt, even though I know it's wrong. Every time I think of Edward, I see Jacob's face and I can't help but feel guilty. I don't know what to do.

He gets in the car and turns it on. We sit in silence. It's not awkward at all. I can't help but think that with Jacob it is different, when it is quiet it feels awkward and one of us has to fill it.

"So Bella, how are you liking Forks so far?" He asks.

"It's nice, it's really rainy here though," I reply.

"Do you prefer Arizona or Forks?" He asks a few minutes later.

"I don't know, I haven't been in Forks long enough to choose. But, the people here seem nice." I say.

I decided to ask him when he moved here and work on my mission: figuring out why they are here.

"So Edward, when did you move here?" I ask.

"Not too long ago actually. I moved here a few weeks ago." He replies honestly.

I know for sure that he isn't lying. Sam told me that they moved here a few weeks ago.

"So, why did you decide to move to Forks?" He asks.

Oh god, what do I say now? I think the best choice is to bend the truth a bit.

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