Chapter 10

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Bella POV:

"Jake? What are you doing here?"

"That doesn't matter. What were you saying? Who is that?" He puffs out his chest.

I roll my eye.

"This is Edward, my friend." Edward cringes at that, "But why are you here? Were you spying on me?!" I ask angrily.

"That doesn't matter! Bella- you said you like him more than me!!"

"You heard that?" I say quietly.

"I did. And I heard a lot more. You are not going anywhere near him again. You're mine."

"Jake, I'm sorry but you don't own me. I can be friends with who I want, and you don't control what I do."

Edward cringes again.

"You're a bit more than friends with him." He says with an angry glare at Edward. Edward snarls in response.

"Leave her alone. I don't know who you are, but you don't control Bella." Edward says protectively.

Jacob takes a step towards me and is about to grab my hand but I pull away. Edward steps in front of me and glares at Jacob.

"Ok, let's not fight. But please, Jacob, just because we imprinted doesn't mean we have to be a couple forever. I really care for you, but I'm just realizing that you're more of a brother to me." Jacob looks so hurt, so I keep talking trying to calm him down.

"Remember what your dad told us before I left? Imprinting can also be in a sibling way. You're like a brother to me." Jake's expression proves that I just made it worse.

"You don't know what you're saying. You're leaving me, your soulmate, for him, a bloodsucker?" Edward growls and Jake smirks at him.

"He would never hurt humans. They only feed on animals. And you don't know him like I do... he's one of the sweetest people I've ever met! And his family is really nice as well. I could tell this much and I've only spent a couple of days with them."

"You've gone crazy, Bella. I'm going to go tell Charlie you can't live with him anymore, and you're coming back to the reservation with me."

"No! Jake, I like it here! You can't tell me what to do."

"I'm your boyfriend!"

"You're not acting like it! We're done, Jake. Done. I don't want to see you until you learn that I'm my own person, not some puppet for you to control. I really love you Jake, but not that way." Jake snarls and grabs my arm, and I struggle but can't get out of his grip. Edward steps forward, his eyes on fire, and pushes Jake away from me.

"Don't touch her, she doesn't want you here," Edward says.

Jake glares at me, and without another word runs into the woods.

A lump starts to form in my throat, and I slowly sit down.

Tears stream down my face and Edward sits down next to me. He wipes the tears off my cheek and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"It's okay, Bella. You can stay with me."

I look into his golden eyes, and the intensity makes it impossible to look away.

"Thank you, Edward. I really appreciate it. But I don't want to be a burden."

"Bella you're not a burden we'd be more than happy to have you over. Really, it's no problem. So... did you really mean what you said to Jacob?"

"I meant every word. You're an amazing person, and I do really like you."

"I like you, too. More than you know." He whispers.

We both lean in and our lips brush. His gentle lips are soft against mine. I put my hands around his neck, and his hands go to my waist. I feel burning electricity where our lips met, and I pull away eventually.

My face goes red, and he chuckles and brushes his hand across my cheek.

I lean into his palm and smile. He's pretty warm for a vampire. We sit there for a few more minutes; we talk and kiss a few times. It's starting to get dark so I get up.

"We should get going, it's getting dark, and I don't want Charlie to get worried," I say not wanting to leave though.

"Yeah, so are you moving in tonight or tomorrow?" He asks while getting up too.

"I'm sorry Edward, but I don't think I can move in just yet. I would like to get to know your family better. I do trust them, but it would be awkward to move in when I've only met them once."

"Of course, Bella. Anytime you want, I don't want to pressure you. And remember you can come over whenever." He says sweetly.

"Thank you, Edward. I'm so glad I met you."

"Same here, Bella. I'll wait as long as you want me to."

Instead of responding, I pull him into a warm embrace. I don't know how long we stand

there, with our arms around each other, but it is the best feeling I've felt in a long time.

"I really should get going. I'll see you tomorrow, Edward." Edward smiles and lets go of me. We walk hand in hand into the woods and get in the car.

The ride is silent, but there is a magical feel in the air. I can't stop smiling the whole time, and neither can he.

Edward runs to my door as soon as we reach and opens the door.

"Wow, you're fast," I say, impressed.

He chuckles and says, "Another perk of being a vampire,"

I smile and duck out of the car. Edward kisses me goodbye on the cheek, and I go home filled with joy.

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