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I was surprised to say the least. This absolute idiot takes after her dad. Who you may ask? Well I'm talking about Charlotte, who's my biological cousin, a.k.a Fitz Vacker's older daughter, a.k.a the guy who got stuck in a chandelier. That's right, Charlotte got stuck in a chandelier. And I was stuck helping her out. 


Instead of a thank you, all I got was her yelling things like,

"Ewww! Paws off!" or "Just because you're my cousin, doesn't mean I have to like you!" or "You brat! Speed this up!" 

Let's just say, I didn't  make it on time to Adam's place. I had to hail him while Charlotte was screaming at me. He looked genuinely scared, and hung up faster than usual. I finally got Charlotte out of the chandelier and she just scoffed at me, rolling her eyes and marching off, calling for her servant- I mean sister hehe.

I call Adam back quickly.

"Hey, I'm about to leap to your place. Are Joni and Calixa there yet?" I ask when he picks up. He nods.

"Just leaped in." He replies looking around nervously, not making eye contact with me. That was weird.

"Are you okay?" I ask, narrowing my eyes. He nods and smiles, momentarily looking me in the eyes then turning away again.

"See you soon!" He says quickly, then hangs up. That was odd. I try not to think about it as I leap to his house.

So let me explain why I'm going to his house. Well, today is Joni and Lexi's four year anniversary, and since it was summer break, they get to spend the whole day with us! And I forgot to mention that we've all known each other for three years now. Which means I'm sixteen and can sign up for my match packet. Which I'm not planning on getting. Sorry I'm rambling. Anyways.

I walk up to their door knocking, and Joni throws open the door, gesturing for me to come in.

"Ace!" Lexi's cheery voice comes. She pulls me into a hug. I roll my eyes but hug back. I swear this girl is so peppy it's not even funny. I've gotten so used to her hugs that I almost forgot what it was like without them.

"Hey Ace!" Adam calls from another room. Joni rolls her eyes and let's out an annoyed huff.

"Come great him properly wimp!" She yells. He walks into the room. Okay what on Earth is going on?!?!" 

"Uhm, hi?" He says. Well more like asks.

"Hi I guess? What's with the weirdness?" I ask. I see Adam straighten up from the corner of my eye. I'm about to question it when Calixa claps her hands. 

"No fighting! Only fun today!" She cheers, throwing glitter in the air. Joni groans.

"Who gave her glitter?" She asks annoyed. Adams younger sister, Jennica, his spitting image, comes in the rooms tossing glitter around.

"I think you know." I tease. Joni glares at me. We spend the day laughing. Well at least the girls and I do. Adam just laughs nervously and quickly glances around the room. I can't take it anymore so I finally stand up.

"Okay, I can't ignore this anymore. What the hell is going on with you?"


There for me 4(A KOTLC SOKEEFE STORY)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ