A Fateful Encounter

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Preminger sat on a bench in the middle of Central Park. He watched as ducks swam in the shit-colored lake before him. He was cold, tired, and hungry. He was still in his wedding clothes. Queen Genevieve had scorned him and thrown him out of the kingdom after discovering that he had tried to murder her daughter and some tutor. All he had wanted was to save the kingdom. A pigeon flew down and landed next to his foot. Preminger swung his leg back to kick the vile creature when a tiny yellow bug flew into his face.

"Hey! buddy! Whataya got against the small creatures?" It yelled into his face. Preminger squinted at it. It was a bee. Wearing sneakers.

"Are you speaking to me bee or have I truly gone mad?" Preminger asked it.

"I'm speaking to you tall fry! Why are you trying to hurt pigeons?" The bee asked.

"I... I'm not, I'm just upset at the world," Preminger admitted. The bee flew and landed on his shoulder.

"My name is Barry, what's yours?" He asked.


"Wanna tell me what happened?"

"Might as well spin my tale of woes," Preminger agreed. He and Barry spent hours talking in the park, Preminger told Barry his whole story and Barry told Preminger his. The two men bonded over their desire to make their homes better. Finally, Barry noticed the sun was setting.

"I'll tell you what Preminger, I like you. You seem like a really smart guy. I can pull some strings and get you a job at my company if you want it," Barry offered. Preminger was amazed.

"Yes of course!"

"Alright, come to this address tomorrow at 10, you'll start in the packing section," Barry offered Preminger a business card. The previous location of which was indiscernible.

"Oh I might be more suited for management..." Preminger protested, but his hand reached for the card anyway.

"I'm sure a smart guy like you can work your way up to the top!" Barry buzzed, "Have a good night." Barry flew away into the trees as Preminger let out a half hearted goodbye. Something about that bee made him feel... Special.

Preminger: After The Wedding Where stories live. Discover now