Tuna Sandwich

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The following weeks passed in a blur. Living with Ash was nice. They would watch movies and hang out together a lot, but Preminger often found his thoughts drifting to his tiny yellow incredibly sexy boss. He hadn't seen him since that fateful day in the park and desperately wanted to see him again. Preminger was having his lunch break at work, chatting with Ash and a few other coworkers when a hush fell across the cafeteria. Preminger followed everyone's eyes to the double doors and there he was. Barry was here, and he was flying directly towards Preminger.

Preminger waved as Barry flew closer, putting on an air of confidence but he was screaming internally. Barry flashed him a toothy smile and landed on the table in front of him. Ash was giving Preminger an incredulous look, but all Preminger could see was the bee.

"Hey Preminger, long time no see!" Barry said.

"Barry! How are you?" Preminger asked.

"I'm doing beeutifully. Beexter says you're doing some great work. I'd like to offer you a promotion."

"Really? To where?"

"To my personal assistant, you've really got a knack for this kind of work," Barry explained. It was true, Preminger was a master at organizing and planning and was already basically running the entire packaging department himself without being asked. He simply led as if he was born to do so.

"Oh my goodness, yes please!" Preminger readily accepted the offer. Being Barry's personal assistant meant spending every day with him and knowing his schedule and getting to see him laugh and do that cute little thing with his thorax.

Preminger's musings were cut short. "Great! Your first assignment is to have lunch with me," Barry said.

"But I'm already eating," Preminger gestured towards his tuna sandwich. Barry wrinkled his nose at it.

"Let's get something better," he demanded.

"As you wish," Preminger stood to collect his things, finally noticing that almost everyone in the cafeteria had been watching and listening to his conversation with Barry.

Barry flew away, calling to Preminger after him, "meet ya outside!" He left, and everyone turned to Preminger in shock.

"I can't believe that Mr. Benson himself just gave you a promotion and is taking you to lunch!" Ash cried.

"I know! This is incredible! I'll tell you all about it when I get home," Preminger said as he rushed from the cafeteria to follow Barry downstairs.

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