4 Days Before

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Preminger and Ash sat across from one another in a cute cafe. They were sharing a fruit and cheese platter to cut calories. Preminger had just finished catching Ash up to date on all the Barry drama.

"...and he sent me home early! So he could talk to her!" Preminger sighed, "And now he hasn't talked to me in 24 hours. I just don't know what to think."

Ash was silent for a moment. He had a glint in his eye when he finally spoke.

"Maybe she convinced him to take her back," Ash offered. Preminger felt his heart drop. He threw his hand across his head dramatically.

"Oh no! Don't say such things! My heart would positively shatter," Preminger cried.

"Sorry! Sorry! I'm just, I guess I'm a little jealous," Ash admitted. Preminger gazed at his friend. Jealous? What did Ash mean? Ash refused to look Preminger in the eye and began shoving bread into his mouth.

"Jealous of what exactly?" Preminger asked, placing his hand on Ash's, stopping him from carb loading.
Ash looked at Preminger's hand on his.

"I like you, Preminger," Ash said, without lifting his eyes.

"I like you too Ash, you're a good roomie," Preminger said.

"No, like, I like you as more than just a roommate."

"You like me... as a..."

"Lover," Ash declared. Finally lifting his head and making eye contact with Preminger. Preminger blushed deeply. He cared about Ash, but only as a friend. His heart was dedicated to Barry. Preminger stood from his chair and gathered his things.

"I need to go Ash," Preminger said.

"Wait! Don't go, can't we talk about this?" Ash begged.

Preminger paused at the door of the cafe. He refused to look at Ash. "I love Barry," he said, and walked out the door.

As Preminger walked the street, confused and little scared of Ash's feelings for him, his phone rang.  The caller ID was Barry.

"Hello?" Preminger asked, answering the call.

"Baby! You need to listen to me immediately." Barry said. His tone was grave.

"What's going on?"

"Vanessa is threatening to kill you if I don't take her back, but I love you, so I can't do that."

"You love me!" Preminger yelped. "Oh shit she's gonna kill me."

"No she won't, go to 147 Heffley street, in Queens. I can't go with you because she's got people watching me, but I talked to security and we're gonna keep you safe baby." Barry's tone was sweet and calm, but Preminger could hear the fear in his voice.

"Yes sir," Preminger said. He hailed a taxi and told the driver the address. "I'm in the cab Barry."

"Good boy, I have to go, but I promise you're gonna be okay," Barry said. He hung up before Preminger could respond. Oh shit, Preminger thought. His problems with Ash were a distant memory now that his life was at stake. What could he do?

Preminger's thoughts ran endlessly as the taxi drove him closer and closer to the mystery address in Queens. Would he really be safe there? He hoped Barry was okay. Vanessa was such a crazy bitch.

Finally the taxi came to a halt in front of a nice looking building. A bulky man in a suit came up to greet the cab. He paid the fare and escorted Preminger inside. They took the elevator to the penthouse.

"I'm Smith, Barry hired me to keep you safe," The guard finally spoke directly to Preminger.

"Nice to meet you," Preminger said weakly as the elevator doors opened. He was feeling faint and overwhelmed.

The penthouse was beautiful, big windows and a wonderful view. Modern furniture. But before Preminger could begin to enjoy it, he passed out.

Preminger: After The Wedding Where stories live. Discover now