All The Way

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"Show Me" Barry's words rang in Preminger's ears. He couldn't believe it. Weeks of fantasies and late night erotic thoughts were coming to fruition. Barry wanted him. But... like this? Barry was in a fragile emotional state. Vanessa had just dumped him. Did Preminger really want to be the rebound?

"Barry, I- I don't think that's appropriate," Preminger said.

"I've seen the way you look at me. Like I make you happy, like I'm the most beeautiful thing you've seen in your life. You look at me with no doubts. You look at me like you're actually seeing me! Vanessa never looked at me like that."

"I do see you, I love- I thoroughly enjoy seeing you, beeing around you, talking to you. You're the little buzz in my ear at night. But I can't bee with you like this. I can't bee your rebound." Preminger said softly. He extended a finger to Barry, who took it with his tiny fuzzy hand. Preminger shivered at his touch.

"I know, you deserve better than me, and beesides, I'm your boss. It would bee inappropriate," Barry said, dropping his hand.

"I'm not saying that we can never happen, but you need time. Vanessa broke up with you not even 3 hours ago; I can't get into a relationship with a bee who is just using me. Especially when I feel so strongly for him," Preminger felt tears welling in his eyes.

"Hey, don't cry buddy," Barry flew towards Preminger's face and wiped a tear from his cheek, "I understand, I feel the same way. I'm in a state and I shouldn't have played with your emotions like that. Call me a bastard if you like."

"You're not a bastard," Preminger chuckled. Barry smiled at him, inches away from his face. Close enough to kiss.

"I'm glad you think so," Barry said as flew over to the large window overlooking New York behind his desk. The view was wonderful, you could see what seemed like endless buildings and a glimpse of Central Park - - where the fated lovers had met.

"I'll tell you what," Barry said, "Two weeks! We stay friends for two weeks. After that; it's fair game."

"What's fair game?" Preminger asked. Barry turned to face Preminger squarely.

"If we still want each other after two weeks of being friends, we're going all the way," Barry said.

Preminger: After The Wedding Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora