The action ;)

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Preminger slowly woke to a soft voice calling his name.

"Preminger? Hey big guy, Goodmorning." Tiny hands brushed his face. Preminger opened his eyes to see his love, Barry, hovering over him anxiously.

"Barry? Did I pass out? I thought you couldn't be here!" Preminger collected his thoughts and the words came tumbling out. Barry held a delicate arm out to shush him.

"I know, I heard you got hurt so I came to check on you."

"You're so sweet to me." As Preminger came to, He observed the room. He was in a penthouse suite. The furniture was all very modern and the layout was spacious. Barry and Preminger sat atop an enormous fluffy bed together. As Barry comfortingly flew up and down Preminger's arm, stoking him with his fuzzy abdomen, Preminger began to get slightly turned on.

Preminger turned to ask Barry if he could kiss him, but before he could speak, the bee was on his lips. The kiss was sensual and passionate, and even though Barry's lips were tiny, he worked them in a way against Preminger's that made him melt on the inside and stiffen on the outside.

Barry noticed and flew down to the affected area. He paused before landing on top of Preminger's erection.

"Preminger, do you want this?" Barry asked huskily.

"Yes Barry, please!" Preminger begged.

"Then get undressed."

"Yes sir." Preminger removed all of his clothing quicker than he'd ever imagined possible. The two creatures looked at each others bodies and breathed in one another for a moment. Barry was very happy with what he saw. Preminger blushed, feeling very exposed. Barry was always naked, but not him!

"You never need to hide yourself from me," Barry said.

Preminger nodded, and then experienced pure bliss as the bee went down on him.

Vibrating, pulsing, licking, squeezing all the right places all the right timing. In only a matter of minutes, Preminger let out a beastly howl as he coated Barry in cum. The bee walked up to the Preminger's face.

"Clean me in your mouth."

"Yes sir." Preminger opened wide, and Barry strode in. Preminger delicately licked and sucked all the flavor off his tiny lover and then let him back out.

"Good boy."

"How do I..." Preminger began to ask.

Barry cut him off. "Don't worry about that right now baby, I'm gonna make you some dinner."

The bee flew across the room and began to prepare a honey pasta dish. Preminger laid under the covers on the bed and sighed contentedly. That was the best sex he'd ever had in his life.


Preminger's ears were ringing. Shattered glass covered the bed. A red spot began to grow across the sheets on top of him. Barry was yelling but he couldn't understand him. Security in suits filled the room. Sound filtered in and out of the ringing.

"She's on the rooftop of the next building!"

"A sniper?"

"Secure Preminger!"

"We can't move him until medical gets here!"

"I love you, hang on!" The last voice was undeniably Barry's. Preminger found Barry's tiny hand with his finger.

"I love you too, thank you," Preminger said, and everything faded to black.

Preminger: After The Wedding Where stories live. Discover now