5 Days Before

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Preminger sat at his desk writing emails. It was hard keeping his thoughts off his boss when his entire job was dedicated to the bee. Planning his meetings, discussing his schedule, running his errands, answering his emails. Everything related to him. The intercom on his desk beeped and Barry's voice interrupted Preminger's stupor.

"What are you wearing?" Barry asked through the intercom. Preminger was immediately rushed back to the sext conversation he and Barry had exchanged two days ago. He blushed profusely and prepared to answer but he was cut off before he could.

"Haha, just kidding! But seriously I need you, will you come in for a minute?" Barry asked. Oh. How disappointing, Preminger thought.

"Right away Barry," Preminger said into the intercom and then stood and walked to the doors of Barry's office. He swung the door open and walked in to see Barry frantically flying around a ton of charts and pie graphs and statistics boards. Barry turned to him and flew up to his face.

"Great! You're here! I need your help..." Barry continued to tell Preminger about potential new honey sales on the West coast and how he needed to figure out a new distribution plan or something like that but Preminger kept getting distracted by Barry's phone on his desk. It was buzzing constantly. A quick glance at the caller ID revealed that Vanessa was calling Barry.

After about twenty minutes of business talk and incessant buzzing from Barry's phone Preminger finally had to say something.

"Barry, forgive me, but why aren't you answering your phone?" Preminger asked.

"Oh I apologize, that must be distracting," Barry said dismissively and went to silence his phone completely.

"Don't dodge my question, I know it's Vanessa."

"I can't talk to her right now!" Barry said sitting on his desk. He looked stressed and sad.

"Why not?"

"We haven't talked since she accused me of being in love with you and broke up with me," Barry explained.

He used the word love, Preminger thought.

"I know she's just going to apologize for being jealous and beg for me to come back to her. But the thing is — she's right. I like you more than her!" Barry continued. Preminger couldn't help but let a pleased smile creep across his face at Barry's words.

"I like you a lot too, but you need to talk to her. At least to get some kind of closure."

"What would I even say?"

"Just say that despite the good times you've had with her it's time for you to move on, she's not the one," and I am Preminger added silently.

"Ya know, I think I will. Thanks big P," Barry beamed at Preminger.

"I'll give you some space," Preminger offered, standing to leave the office.

"Thanks! How about you go ahead and leave for the day actually? I think I can finish up here."

"You got it boss," Preminger said, waving a goodbye to Barry as the bee picked up his phone and answered it. The door shut, but Preminger lingered for a moment to eavesdrop.

"Hello Vanessa.... Yes I've been ignoring your calls..... I needed time! ...... Will you let me speak?"

Doesn't seem to be going too well, Preminger thought. Oh well. He gathered his stuff from his desk and clocked out. He'd see if he could get an update tomorrow.

Preminger: After The Wedding Where stories live. Discover now