On The Job

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The floor Louise had taken Preminger to was massive. On one end of the building were rows and rows of shelves covered in packages labeled "Benson Honey" and patterned with a cute honeycomb stamp. Closer to him was a few cubicles and what appeared to be a main office / break room area. Between them was loads of conveyer belts with workers (human and bee) buzzing around wrapping and packing jars of honey. Louise led Preminger to the officey side.

"Mr. Beexter?" Louise called as she knocked on the main office door. A bee opened the door. He was very round and somehow had a combover even though bees technically don't have hair like that.

"What?" He grumped.

"We have a new employee joining us today, this is Preminger. Barry sent him," Louise added the last part pointedly, pairing it with a look of no nonsense.

"Ah, I heard, Preminger right?" Mr. Beexter extended a tiny black leg towards Preminger for a shake. Preminger offered him a deep bow instead.

"Pleasure to work for you my lord," Preminger announced. Mr. Beexter laughed.

"I think I'm gonna like this guy! Thanks Louise, I got him from here," Mr. Beexter dismissed her. He motioned for Preminger to follow him into his office and flew away into it. Louise turned towards Preminger and smiled.

"We'll have to finish what we started earlier," She said coyly.

"No thanks, I'm gay," Preminger said as he breezed into the office and let the door shut in Louise's shocked face. Mr. Beexter's office was grandly decorated. The floor was black and yellow striped and the walls were also yellow. A large black desk sat in front of a massive window. The view was only of the sides of other buildings. Mr. Beexter flew and sat at a tiny exact replica of the original desk placed on top of the larger desk.

"Have a seat," Mr. Beexter commanded. Preminger sat in one of the two yellow suede chairs facing the desk. "First order of business, welcome aboard. Barry told me you were a hardworking guy. Second, we need to get you some proper clothes, you're dressed like a Renaissance lunatic and you stink. Thirdly, after you get changed I'll show you what you'll be doing here, sound good?"

"Sounds excellent," Preminger agreed. He didn't appreciate the jab at his perfectly tailored wedding suit but he did agree that it had seen better days and was in desperate need of a cleaning. Mr. Beexter pointed towards a package laying on a shelf towards their right.

"Uniform is there, bathroom is though that door," Mr. Beexter directed, pointing at door to the left. Preminger grabbed the package and read the note on top.

Preminger! Hey Buddy! Thought you might like some new threads if you're gonna be working here. Hope they fit, I'm not good at human sizing.
Love Barry

Love Barry. Did That mean he loved Preminger or was it how he signed all his notes? Preminger shook the thoughts from his head and went to the bathroom. The uniform was a yellow tee and black pants. Barry had also given him shoes, socks, and deodorant. In the very bottom was a bright red thong. What was this doing here? Preminger stripped of his dirty clothes and slipped the thong on. He admired his slim body and round buttocks in the mirror. Did Barry want to see him wearing this? Before he could get hard, Preminger quickly put the rest of his new clothes on and and threw his old clothes and the box in the trash. He slipped the note and deodorant into his pocket. He left the bathroom. Mr. Beexter looked up from some tiny papers in his desk and sniffed.

"You clean up nicely," He commented.

"Thank you Sir," Preminger said.

"Hi, I'm Ash! I'll be showing you where you're working!" A new voice called from the door to the rest of the warehouse.

"Go on, Ash will take good care of you," Mr. Beexter shoed them both from his office, shutting the door behind them. Preminger took a moment to examine Ash. Ash was a human male, kind of short and unassuming with pale skin and Sandy blonde hair. Ash's eyes were pale watery blue and hidden by huge round glasses. He wore the same thing Preminger now had on. Preminger caught himself wondering if Ash was also wearing a red thong.

"So Preminger, you'll be working with me in the sticker department. Follow along!" Ash chirped. He had a very cheerful voice. He began to lead Preminger through the long aisles and conveyer belts. Other workers busily moved about around them, some glancing at the new guy but most not caring. The men stopped at a section of the conveyer belt where workers were slapping shipping stickers onto boxes.

"So," Ash announced as he slid up to the belt, "here's whatcha do. You grab a sticker from the stack, and then slap it onto the box. Smooth it a little, repeat. Pretty simple right?"

"I hope so! You make it look easy," Preminger admired the way Ash deftly applied the sticker and noted that his hands were very strong.

"Well, come try it!" Ash said. Preminger moved to the spot next to him. He grabbed a sticker and waited for a box to move by. One slid towards him and he grabbed it. He tried to replicate Ash's smooth application but his came out bubbly and sideways.

"That's dissatisfactory," Preminger groaned.

"No worries guy, just keep going. You'll get better," Ash reassured him. They worked in silence for a little while. Preminger day dreamt of Barry. Talking to him again, making him laugh. Maybe they could go on a date. What do bees eat? Flowers? Preminger would have to ask. A voice cut into Preminger's fantasy.

"I'm sorry what?" Preminger asked.

"I said you're doing better!" Ash laughed. Preminger looked at his work. He was doing better. "Say, what are you over there clouding about?" Ash asked.

"Clouding?" Preminger parroted.

"Clouding, like daydreaming ya know?"

"Oh, I've recently met someone and they've been on my mind a lot."

"Ooh you've got a crush?"

"I would hardly call it a crush, I barely know him."

"Don't have to know someone to find them attractive," Ash said turning towards Preminger a little. Preminger glanced back at him. He couldn't read Ash's expression. A loud buzz filled the warehouse and the conveyers ground to a halt. Workers began walking away.

"Well, that's the shift, where you heading now Preminger?" Ash asked as they walked towards the elevators together.

"I guess to Central Park. I spend most of my time there."

"Don't you have a home?"


"Aw gee, well why don't you come have dinner with me instead of sleeping in the park?" Ash offered. Preminger looked at the man in awe.

"Really? We've only just met."

"Of course, my mama raised me to believe no one should have to be out in the cold."

"Then I'll take you up on the offer," Preminger agreed as they boarded the elevator along with the other employees. He was going to have an actual dinner! Not just a half eaten pretzel someone had thrown away. Preminger wondered if there was some way he could take advantage of Ash's kindness. Only time will tell.

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