crashing the party

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I made that piece of art btw. 😁 ^^^

After our quick breakfast, Modeus educated me of his villainous plan, and what my role was. I was repelled at what he wanted me to do. It was like taking Percy to the river Styx just to have my father throw him in a cell all over again. I'll admit. That wasn't my best moment.

When he finished explaining his plan in detail, (it took a while due to my ADHD) and I had irritated him to the point he started giving me huge migraines, he stood from the filthy spot on the floor we had chosen to sit sometime during the briefing.

"Now, time to get you into costume." Stated Modeus.

"You want me... to dress up?" I asked.

"Well, I wouldn't put it that way, but essentially yes. I can't have my enemies know who you are. Then they could use you against me." His grey eyes stared into my own dark brown ones. "And we wouldn't want that now. Would we?"

I didn't answer. I had an idea of what I wanted. Can you guess? No? I'll give you a hint. It wasn't spending my time in a grimy old warehouse. Especially on the day of Bianca's death.

Hold on a second. It was about noon when I was headed to Sally's house, and it was dark when I arrived. Now it's morning. Was her anniversary over? Had I missed it by being kidnapped? Gods of Olympus! Why are the fates so cruel?! The one day of the year that I want to be left alone and I get freaking kidnapped!! I'm so stupid! I should have just shadow traveled out the second I fell out of that portal. Then none of this would have happened. Now, if I don't do what my captor says, then he'll just blow up my head! Just great.

During my mind rant, I hadn't noticed Modeus walking over to the back wall. When he came back, he threw a ball of clothes at me, which in return, woke me from my thoughts.

"What's this?" I asked gruffly and held up the gob of fabric.

"Your villain attire." I scrunched my nose in disgust. I really didn't like this plan.

He pointed to a side door. "You can change in there."

The clump of cloths ended up holding a black sleeveless shirt, black cargo pants, dark brown gloves, more dark brown with a hint of shoe, a grey utility belt, and finally a purple mask thingy. Of all colors, why purple? And how did he know my size? That's... Concerning.

I walked out of the side room I had changed in. Mask and all. "This is stupid." I blurted.

"Maybe. But it's necessary." Modeus combed back his black hair with the help of a handheld mirror and a small pocket comb. He had changed out of his brown robes and into a suit that rich people wear. He didn't have a villain suit. Instead, he had a purple tie and dress shoes.

I frowned. Have I mentioned that I didn't like this plan? Yeah well, I was supposed to act as his boss if the need arose. Just so he could push all the blame onto me.

"Necessary or not, it's still stupid." The pounding reached inside my skull again and I had to hold my hand up to my head. Modeus had his fist closed around my symbol.

"Stop you'r complaining. It won't do anything to help you." He rolled his eyes. "You look good by the way. That mask really suits you."

I scowled. "Not like I have a choice."

He waved his finger at me. "Now that's now the polite way to thank someone. We don't want our enemies to see your helpless facial expressions. This way, they won't know you'r not the one in charge."


It was around 9:00pm when we reached our destination for destruction. The building we were headed into was a mansion. It looked like there was a party going on inside. All the lights were on and there where a LOT of limos parked outside. The mention was probably the biggest one I'd ever seen mortals use. I wonder what Annabeth would say about it. Probably nothing that I would understand.

We drove past and parked on the street as to not draw attention to us. Modeus had stopped me down in the front seat this time and he had to walk around the car to undo my restraints. "No funny business." He whispered.

I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the van. He locked it then gestured to me. I started towards the mansion.

As I walked, a pit started to form in my stomach. A sense of dread crept up my skin. Tonight was not going to go well.

We stoped in fronton the big double doors. Time to put the act on. I pulled my sword out of my ring and slammed the front doors wide open, causing the heads of the people inside to turn in my direction. The conversations stoped and silence swept over the crowd.

"Looks like I'm late to the party!" I put my hand in my pockets and strode in. People backed away, making a wide path for me. "Thats too bad. I was hoping to hear Mr. Wane's welcome speech." To my surprise, I didn't need to raise my voice. No one moved or spoke a wisper. How convenient. "Speaking of which." I spread my arms out. "Has anyone seen our humble host? Is he afraid to show himself or is he too busy for someone like me?"

A man stepped out of the crowd and I immediately recognized him from the newspaper Modeus had shown me earlier.

"I'm right here." Bruce Wane stated. "And you obviously know who I am, so mind telling us who you are?"

Interesting. He didn't seam at all affected about a masked stranger crashing his fancy party.

"Well, I haven't really given out my name yet, maybe I'll tell you later. As a fun treat." I twirled my sword around my hand threateningly.

"Then what do you want?" Wane asked. "To be set free of corse. Isn't that what everyone wants. Freedom from their captors." It was getting dangerous now. If I wasn't carful, then I knew Modeus would get suspicious. "The worlds captors aren't as obvious as, for example, a policeman. Or the government in general. The captors of the world are almost invisible to the public. Quite literally in some cases. Only people like me see the truth.

"And who might these captors you speak of be?" Wane questioned.

I shrugged. "The Justice League." Gasps went up. The only other sound from Wane's and I's voices.

"So why come here? If you want to be free from the Justice League, why come to a rich mans party?"

"But you'r not just any rich man are you Mr. Wane." He tensed. Only slightly, but I saw it. "You are a rich man that has connections to almost all the League members. Some are probably right here in this room. Watching my every move. Waiting to jump into action."

He hesitated. "So what? I'm bait to lure in you'r prey?"

"Essentially, yes. Theres a problem with my plan though. I bet you all can see it." I waved toward the crowd. The people my hand passed over squirmed where they stood.

"Care to guess. Anyone?"

"You'r just one man!" A voice from the back of the crowd called out.

I pointed to where the sound came from. "Exactly! Thank you brave soul. How could a lone masked stranger such as myself, expect to take down the most of, if not the entire Justice League.?" I looked over the crowd. Looking for the actual freedom stealer. I found him behind Bruce giving me an almost unnoticeable thumbs up. He blended right into the crowd with his suit and slicked back hair.

"Names have the best of answers. Don't you think? Mine in Particular has the answer to my one man Problem. So, to answer your original question Bruce." I paused for effect. "They call me they're King."

I stabbed my sword into the ground, causing the expensive hardwood to crack and splinter. 

The author's evil laughter rings throughout the room as she writes the last few words of her chapter. She knows her readers will kill her for updating late and  leaving them on a cliffhanger. Still, she is determined to write a chapter and finish her assigned reading on the same day. For it is the day she will finally finish 'Wuthering Heights".

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