Abuse the dead willingly? Never.

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Any 'words like this' are in Greek.


The battle was going well. I was confident that whoever this masked villain was, that he was overestimating himself. Or 'herself' for that matter (you could never really tell with masks they these days. With all the voice modifiers and other tech). We had him/her surrounded and they were beginning to surrender. None of the civilians were harmed yet, and Bruce's mansion didn't have any holes in the walls. So far so good. Right?

I should really stop jinxing myself.

"Ah!" The mysterious attacker started shaking. He brought his hand up to cradle his head.

"Des- destroy the boxes." He pleaded. He ripped off his mask and made eye contact with me. His face was contorted in pain "please."

I gasped and held a hand to my mouth. My mind went into a frenzy.  What was Nico, a demigod doing here? Bruce's mansion of all the places in the world. I guess I shouldn't be surprised though. The fates didn't understand how to leave people alone instead of using them like puppets in their own little game. I should probably be glad that it was him and not a demigod that I didn't recognize.

I didn't know why Nico was here but that didn't stop me from rushing to his fallen form.

"Nico!" I turned him onto his back and felt for a pulse. I sighed in relief. He was alive and his heart beat was steady. He landed on his face and would have a bruise later.

The ghosts trembled. Probably due to Nico passing out. He most likely used up too much of his energy by summoning them. But why would he do something so reckless in a party full of mortals? It was posable that his father sent him to collect a couple souls but I doubted it. Then I remembered the cube in my hand and looked down at it.

It was vibrating. I could feel a dark aura slithering out and filling the room. Nico had said to 'destroy the boxes'. This must of been what he meant. I placed the cube on the floor away from Nico. I stood up and unsheathed my sword. Stabbing hard and fast, I sliced through the vulnerable object.

Almost immediately, a portion of the ghosts wailed and sunk back into the ground. "Batman!" I yelled and pointed the box I had just stabbed. "Do what he said. Destroy these black boxes!"

He nodded and began scanning the area along with our other two teammates. But before they could get very far, the guests who where now free from the Ghosts hold, now darted and squirmed out the doors and into the night. The shouts and screams started up again. The remaining ghosts squeezed the crowd back further but looked uncertain. Like they didn't know what they were supposed to do.

With no one to control the ghosts or fight us off, we were slowed to find and destroy the rest of the cubes quickly. The screams and wails were heard a few more times before all the Spirits had finally returned from wherever they came.

Batman and Superman urged the civilians out of the mansion and into the hands of the police, who had arrived only minutes after the ghosts had disappeared. Green Arrow went out to talk to the police and tell them what had happened. That just left Nico and I.

I tucked his mask under my arm so I could bring it with me while I carried Nico down to that Batcave. Three was no doubt that Bruce would want to interrogate him when he woke up.

I opened the father clock entrance and ascended down the spiral stairs. When I came into the main room of the cave with the bat computer I steered right. That's where the interrogation room was. I opened the door to the grey room and laid him on the cot in the corner of the room. Walking back to the other side of the room, I closed the door, locking it in the process. I picked up the metal chair that was next to the table, and settled it next to his sleeping form. I sat and waited till he would come back to consciousness.

Nico's unexpected encountersWhere stories live. Discover now