Mortal education

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Once again I am forced to do something that I hate. My freedom washed away like a spider in the rain. I really didn't need my life to be more messed up than it already is. And even after all that I have done for my father, the gods, and over all the world, I still have to endure the horrors that no teenager wants to face.

High school.

Yep. You heard me right. For the first time in my 85 year life, I am going to high school.


"Haven't I suffered enough father?! I'm a demigod if you haven't noticed. I won't need to learn anything they try to teach me. That stuff is for the mortals!"

"Nico, I'm not sending you to suffer. Hades reasoned, "I'm sending you so you can have at least some education. Mortal or not."

"That kind of education won't help me defend myself fro-"

"Please just listen to me son." he rubbed his forehead, bent down to my eye level, and put his hand on my shoulder. "I have not been the best father for you recently. I have made so many mistakes that I've lost count and I just.. I've finally decided to try to help out my only living child as much as the ancient laws will let me. No matter what you think or believe, I will always care for you, Nico.

This... This was not the father I remember. The father I recall never admitted his weaknesses. And to be honest, I don't know if it suited his harsh king of the underworldly look. However, I guess it was nice not to hear his normal 'talks'.

His scowl returned. "Don't go telling our relatives about this. They probably wouldn't believe you anyway, but it's better safe than sorry."

I nodded promptly.

"Of course father. I wouldn't dream of it, but... I still don't see how going to a mortal school will do anything." I crossed my arms.

He sighed and stood. "One year. One year of high school and then I'll let you off the hook. At least for a while."

I thought about it, and came to the conclusion that I won't be able to get out of this situation. "Fine. I'll go. But on two conditions."

"And what might those be?"

"One." I held up one finger. "I get my own apartment." He nodded. "And two." I held up a second finger. "I get to choose my own car. No skeletal drivers though. Those guys are weird."

"Done. School starts on the 24th, which happens to be the day after tomorrow. Everything you need will be in your apartment ready for you to read over. Here are your keys and a map of the city." he handed me the items. "Now, I have other matters to attend to." that was my Que to leave, so I shadow traveled to my cabin at camp, where I could look over the map to find my new apartment.

I had a gut feeling that this year would go exactly as I had predicted. Boring and short. Due to monsters, I would probably end up getting expelled too.

*** The next day ***

New York is not as easy to drive through as you probably think it is. In traffic, the cars are literally inches apart. Percy's driving lessons aren't useless after all. Don't tell him I said that.

This morning I had found my car just beyond the camp border. Just waiting to be stolen.

It was a black Lamborghini with one-way glass windows, the wheels were rimmed with gold. On the right side of the vehicle was the logo for Camp Half-blood in orange, and on the left was the one for Camp Jupiter in purple. How my father knew what my dream car was, I will never know.

But I did find out where the high school was. 20 minutes drive out of New York was where my apartment was located and five minutes from that was the school.

I made my way slowly through traffic and found myself on a side road that was not as crowded with cars.

*** A little while later ***

My apartment wasn't big but it wasn't cramped either. There was a bedroom, a bathroom, a combined kitchen and living room, and the small entire way that I was currently standing in. In the main room, there was a simple black love seat with a coffee table on the back wall. The kitchen was laid out on my right and the hallway to the other two rooms was on the left.

I looked through the cabinets in the kitchen just to see what they all looked like - I still have ADHD even if I try not to show it - and to my surprise, found them all full of food. One was even full of cereal. Probably Demeter's doing. I guess father is trying, in his own weird way, to actually be a good father.

Nah. Let's not keep my hopes up just yet.

Thank you for all the support y'all give to this book!! Cheers for the 2020 school year. 🍎🏠🔔

P.S. Sorry for the short chapter.

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