Does he dress like that all the time?

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When Greek is spoken it will look like this.


Expecting to find the view of my cabin waiting for me, I was unprepared for the sight in front of me. I was caught off guard for a moment before I regained my senses.

In front of me, was what appeared to be a man in a black outfit. With two pointy things on his head. And a cape.

I can tell that he's not a monster because he didn't attack me immediately. At least that's the one thing that tuned out ok. But like, does he dress like that all the time or what? Because it seriously looks ridiculous. Imagine walking around camp like that. Eew. Just thinking about it sent shivers up my spine.

"How did you get in here?" the cape dude brought me out of my thoughts.

"Bold of you to assume I know how I got in here." was my brilliant answer. I'm definitely hanging out with Percy too much.

Cape dude stepped closer, probably trying to intimidate me. Keyword try. "That's not an answer. Who are you?"

"Jason Stoll."

His eyes narrowed. Well, the white lenses on his mask pressed together, so I assumed that his eyes narrowed.

"Okay, jokes over. What's your real name?" he took another step. 'Still not backing down pointy ears.'

"I already told you. JA-son ST-oll. Do I have to say it again for your defenses, or did you get it this time?"

"Listen, kid. I can obviously see that you are lying, so cut the act. Also, you can't just come in here and lie to the best detective in the world. In fact, it should be impossible for you to even break in. So, How. Did. You. Do. It.

I shrug. "It was an accident. How am I supposed to know."

Seriously? No reaction. Does this guy have any sense of humor? Even the gods are not this expressionless.

"Well, looks like I'm done here so I'll just be going no-."

"Not until I get some answers."

He then promptly through a black... Stick? At me. It came flying, but having ADHD and all gave me a heads up. Realizing that it was indeed time to go I ran for the shadows and prepared myself for the cold screening darkness...

Simple explanation. It didn't work.

I glared at the ground I had fallen on. This was not turning out to be one of my rare good days like I was planning. Instead here I was, about to be killed from the hands of a weirdo that thinks he's a Enderman from the game that Will always plays.

Gah! thoughts. Stop distracting me. I nearly didn't dodge another one of those black stick things, as I rolled out of the way. I jumped to my feet and searched for my options. I could run, If I knew where to run to.  Hiding would be reasonable, but who knew how long that would last. Third option: fight. So that's what I would do. without reviling my powers that is. Gotta keep that kind of information 'classified' as Leo's spy references say.

Cape dude lunged. I sidestepped and kicked him further into his dive. He was back up quicker than I had anticipated, and was able to knock me to the ground. 'Okay brain, let's stop underestimating the things we fight from now on.' Brain responded with a 'Nah, thinking about it is too hard.

I was standing in an instant, but my legs had started to wobble. Strange. Must be some new after affect from shadow traveling.

I tried to move forward to attack pointy ears, but my legs failed me completely and I fell to my knees. "...What"

"Sorry kid. You didn't choose the easy way."

I scanned him over to see what he did. Oh. That makes sense.
In his hand was one of those things that Will used sometimes. what's it called? a singe? No, a syringe. Yah, I'm pretty sure that's what he called it.

Everything was getting fuzzies. I fell to my side and rolled onto my back. A shadow passed overhead, and the last thing I saw was the stern face of Enderman guy. Everything went dark after that.



When a kid shows up out of nowhere in your bat-cave, you have to take it seriously. Somehow he snuck in and I'm going to find out how.

The kid looked no older than 15 or 16ish, and that in itself was suspicious. Hopefully, he's not involved with any of the villains. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised.

I lifted him off the ground and strode to the interrogation room, grateful for Alfred's advice on putting a cot in there. After laying the boy down, I walked out and bolted the door.

Should I call Robin? No. Not yet. A break-in isn't what he should be focusing on at the moment. He has enough going on with that new sidekick team.

I checked the cameras for anything else that shouldn't be there and when I was satisfied that there wasn't, I sat down waited for the kid to wake up. staring at him from the other side of the one way glass.


Nico... Again.

My vision cleared and the gates of the underworld came into view. Cerberus was guarding them as he was supposed to. Although, he didn't greet me like he usually did. And there weren't any souls in line to be judged.

My first thoughts: either I'm dead or this is a demigod dream. For all, I know it could have been both. Because right then, Thanatos thought it was a good time to pop into my head or visit me in the underworld. Whichever one it is.

He stood before me with his arms crossed. "Now that you have completed my favor, I am in debt to you Nico. And because of your current situation, you now know why I never like to visit that crime-ridden city."

"Nice to see you too Thanatos," I replied. I had a hunch that he was scared of Gotham. "No Nico, I am not afraid of the city." Hate it when gods read your thoughts. "I simply had... another event to attend to."

"Oh? May I ask what event was so important that you let me do your job?"

He scowled, but I caught sight of the slight blush on his face before he quickly turned his away from me.

"No! No Nico, you may not. it is a private matter that is none of your concern."

I cracked a small smile. I was SO teasing him later about this so-called "event".

"It is also not why I have come to see you." I noted.

"In order to call upon your favor from me, all you have to do is say, 'it's now or never Thanatos' in Greek, and I will help you out."

"Is that all?"

He turned back to me. "I believe that is all for now. I'll leave you to the vigilante now. Hope to not work with you soon Nico. Your father has me on a busy schedule after all."

He then promptly vanished into the shadows and the underworld faded away.

Well, at least I know I'm not dead.

-thank you for reading!!

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