Quest starter

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"Again?" She asked.


"Okay." Annabeth sighed and pulled off her lava-proof gloves. "Do you have any idea where he might have run off to?"

Will shrugged, "He could be anywhere in the world. He's gotten a lot better with his shadow travel."

"Are you sure he not at McDonald's or something?" Percy suggested.

"100 percent. He promised me he would come. And you know how he is about that sorta thing. He wouldn't just go back on his word like that without a good reason."

"Well, let's go talk to Chiron about Nico then." she began walking toward the Big house. The two boys quickly followed, not wanting to waste time.

They found the activities director in his office going through some of his old books and explained the problem. "Hmmm. Are you sure he did not simply leave to have time to himself? He does that a lot."

Will groaned. "No. What is up with everyone thinking he just left without telling anyone when he would be back?"

The others in the room stared at him.

"Well, he tells me, "Will crossed his arms.

"If you three want to go looking for young Nico then I will support you. I would send you to go see our current oracle Rachel, but she is on vacation with her family at the moment. You will be on your own." Chiron picked up a few of his books and started to put them away. "If you wish to call a councilors  meeting to help find Nico then we can."

"That's alright Chiron," Annabeth smirked. "I think I know how to track Nico down."


Ten minutes later the three demigods were gathered in bunker nine waiting for Leo to turn off his loud machinery.

"Leo!" Percy shouted but got no response. He decided to try something else. His gut tightened slightly as the water in Leo's water bottle rose up and onto its owner's head.

The loud noise came to an abrupt stop and Leo screamed like a little girl. He spun around to see three annoyed demigods, but only focused on one.

"Percy! What was that for?" He demanded.

He shrugged, "How else was I supposed to get your attention?"

"By not splashing water on my head. I will get you back for this Jackson. Mark my words, you have not seen the last of Leo Michizzel Valdez."

Percy opened his mouth to reply but Annabeth beat him to it. "We need your help, Leo." He perked up at that.

"What can the Great Firelord do for you now wise head?"

"Don't call me that Leo."

"Alright, alright." He raised his hands in mock surrender. "I won't challenge your amazing revenge skills. But seriously, what do you need, cause I'm kinda busy right now."

Will decided that now would be a good time to speak up. "Nico is missing. And, no, I know he didn't just up and leave. He would have told me."

"Why would he tell you where he's going?" Leo raised an eyebrow.

"Because I'm his doctor, and I need to know where he is in case he needs medical attention."

"Is that the only reason why?"

A light blush started to show on Wills's cheeks so he looked away. "Y-yes. Why else would I need that information?"

"HA! I knew it!" Leo first pumped the air. "I knew you two liked each other."

Percy was trying to hold in his laugh and failing while Annabeth looked annoyed. "Leo this is serious," she said with a 'no funny business' tone.  "I remember you bragging about a demigod tracker? In case one of the gods decide to kidnap Percy for eight months again."

The son of Hephaestus rubbed his hands together. "So you've heard of the Demi Locator? I keep that one locked up so the bad guys won't be able to get it. I haven't been able to test it probably yet, but Nico should be pretty easy to find. There's only one son of Hades alive right now. Unless there's another one that we don't know about, my invention should be able to find him."

"So where is it?" Percy asked.

Leo wiggled a finger at him. "Not so fast water boy. Only one can know where to find the Demi Locator. Like I said before, we don't want it falling into the wrong hands."


Leo had pushed his three friends out of bunker nine so they wouldn't be able to see him get the Demigod tracker out of its hiding place. It took a while but eventually, the boy ushered his friends back in.

"Tada!" Leo was holding what looked like a drone controller in his hands. "The Demi Locator. "This bad boy can track down any missing family member. On the godly side of course."

Percy looked skeptically. But then he remembered the Wii remotes Leo had used to steer the Argo ll. "So, how does it work?" he asked.

"Do you want the long version or the short version?"

"Short version." All three of the questers answered in unison.

Leo sighed. "You guys are no fun. Basically, I enter in whichever godly parent the missing demigod has. Then with a few more adjustments for their looks and personality, the Demi Locator will then start scanning the U, S, and A. I haven't quite gotten it to reach other countries yet, so let's hope he's not accidentally gone to China again."

Percy gave a thumbs up. Annabeth was intently examining the machine. "Great work Leo." Will encouraged. "Now can we find Nico?"

"Yeah. Gimme a second while I put the details in." His fingers started gliding across the console. "Ah-Ha!" he showed the little screen to the others. "See that red dot? That's where he is! Well, the general area he's in at least. It's good that he's still in America. Looks like he's somewhere just outside of Gotham city."

Will ran up and tightly hugged Leo. "Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me!"

At first, Leo was surprised, but then hugged back just as tight. "Aww, your welcome, sun-man. It's the least I can do. Plus," his voice lowered to a whisper. "I can't have Solangelo separated that easily."

Will flinched and whispered back. "What... what do you mean?"

Leo patted his back. "It's okay. I won't tell anyone about your romantic life."

The boys let go of each other. "Thanks, Leo. I really appreciate your help."

He waves his hands dismissively. "Yeah, yeah. Now shoo. I have work to do."

With a few more thank yous, the trio walked out of bunker nine. They now had what they needed and we're ready to officially start their quest.

Here's a longer chapter for you guys! Thank you to everyone who has stayed with me for the past year. I know I haven't updated that often, but I'm trying to fix that.

Once again, Happy Halloween!!


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