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^^ I would love to see this in your style. I can post it in my next chapter too if you want.



"We could"........

..." It's settled then."

Nico had been planning on how to release himself from Modeus's control and put him behind bars for a while now. Along with the Justice League members who would not let him leave and go talk to his father about the whole situation. But that may be because he didn't tell them where he would be going. You can't just say 'Oh I'm just going to hop over to my good old dad Hades, Lord of the Underworld, and talk to him about my problems. No, I Don't die to go down there. Who do you think I am?! Alcestis?'

Yeah. That would go down sooo well.

(Because of a gift from Apollo, King Admetus permitted his wife, Alcestis, to take his place in the Greek Underworld. It wasn't Alcestis' time to die but no one else was willing to lay down his or her life for the king, so his dutiful wife made her offer and it was accepted.)
-Just if you were wondering.

Batman had cameras up in Bruce Wayne's mansion, (Gods know why he has those in place) and scanned Modeus's Facial features into his computer. We then used this to search every surveillance camera in Gotham. After a long wait of scanning, we found him near the same warehouse he had taken me in his van.

Now all I had to do was shadow travel back to the warehouse to supposedly retrieve my aviator jacket. We all concluded that's what I would do anyway. (After a lot of arguing of course.)

Superman and Wonder Woman and Green Arrow went on ahead to take their positions. Nightwing would be on standby at a disclosed location if anything went wrong. ready to call in backup. Batman decided that he would shadow travel with me. For "safety measures". Reluctantly, I agreed. I didn't have a choice anyway.

Now, we were outside the bat cave and in an out-of-the-way ally. Where there's no one to witness my powers. With the exception of pointy ears.

"You better hand on tight bats. If you let go I won't be able to save you." I held out my arm to the Dark Night

"Why would you need to save me?"

"It better if you see for yourself. The shadows hold many secrets."

After a brief hesitation, he clamped his hand onto my arm.

"Let's go."

I nodded and let myself fade into darkness.

Immediately, blackness filled my vision and the screams of tortured souls rang through my ears.

I remember the first time I had properly shadow traveled. I was haunted by the screams for weeks. I told myself that I would never do it again. Then I got over myself and accepted that that's how shadow traveling works. If I go through part of my father's domain, then I'm going to experience some of it too.

We stumbled out of the shadows a block away from the warehouse. I looked over at Batman. He hasn't let go of my arm and is breathing in deep breaths. I was hoping shadow travel would have some sort of effect on his.

"You can let go now." He glanced at me and slowly let go.

"You do this... Every day?" he gasped out.

I shrugged. "Eh, not every day. My doctor says it's not healthy for me. Now, do you see why I said not to let go while traveling?" he nodded.

My heart suddenly stopped as I remembered my doctor. Will was going to kill me. I had missed my weekly check-in while Modeus was kidnapping me.

Nico's unexpected encountersWhere stories live. Discover now