5 minutes later...

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Nico's POV

When I felt myself waking from Thanatos's visit, I decided to play a little game with the newly dubbed "Cape Dude".

Searching through the shadows to see where I was, surprisingly wasn't difficult. The whole cave system was covered with my element. Without opening my eyes I could tell I was in a grey room, laying on a cot. The guy I saw earlier was sitting in the room on the other side of the one-way glass. The cavern beyond was bigger than I thought it would be. There was also a massive building on the surface above the caves.

Who was this guy? And who did he think he was? Well, if he thinks he can kill me. He's way out of his league.

Going with my newly formed plan, I was on my feet and turned towards cape dude. With my eyes closed. Partly because it helps my vision in the shadows and partly because it will most probably creep my... *cough* captor *cough* out.

He didn't even flinch? Huh. This guy must be better than I thought. Now I wait. Let's see what cape-man does.


For 5 minutes, I have had to restrain my ADHD. For 5 minutes, my head has followed cape dude as he has walked around looking at different screens and studying my slight movements. For 5 minutes I stood around with my eyes closed. And after 5 minutes of all of this, I finally got bored of the game.

I opened my eyes and sat on the cot. Resting my legs and sighing at the situation I was in. I needed to get back to camp. I Don't know how long I was out and Will was waiting. If I wasn't back by dinner he would start worrying.

I don't want him to worry.

Pushing will out of my thoughts, I went back to starting at cape dude. This time with my eyes open.

To my satisfaction, he came in not a minute later, stood in front of me, and crossed his arms.

"So..." I waved a hand around. "Did being creepy not convince you to let me out?"

"Who are you?"

"Like I said. Names Jason."

"Hate to break it to you kid, but Jason Stoll doesn't exist. Unless you're a supervillain of some kind who figured out how to trick the symptom."

I nearly burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Me a supervillain? I guess I can see how you would think that but, seriously do I look like I would want to take over the world?"

"Don't have to look like one to be one."

"But, Don't they like... Dress up and everything?" I gasped dramatically. "Are you a supervillain? You're kinda dressed up like one a little. With all the black and pointy ears."

He scowled. At least I think he did. Hard to tell with the mask.

"Do you really not know who I am?"

"Am I supposed to?"

"Unless you have been living under a rock for the past ten years. Yes."

"Does in a jar count?"

"A jar?"

"Inside joke."

Nico's unexpected encountersWhere stories live. Discover now