chapter 6

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(Ennoshita Pov)

"We did not for you information-" Tanaka said, his cheeks were tinted a lovely pink colour as he moved closer to the group of boys in the lounge room. I follow behind him, my face is all read and we both pout the pizza's down and sit back down were we were sitting before.

"So your certen that you didn't fuck..?"noya asked
"And if we did?" I asked looked at Tanaka. Noya looked shocked
"Did you-?"
"No of course we didn't" i chuckle slightly and look at the door to go outside.
"I'm just gonna pop outside quickly" I say getting up and walked outside, but before I slip something into mu pocket. I walk outside closing the door behind me and taking my inhaler out of my pocket. I didn't want the team to know about my asthma, but they probably thought that I went out to smoke or vape so someone is going into come out soon. I take another puff of my inhaler before putting it back in my pocket.

I walk back in surprise that no one came out, i go into tbe kitchen and grab plates before going to the lounge room.
"Well everyone, lets dig in!" I say putting the plates down. Everyone grabs one and also grabs some slices of pizza. We all sit down and start eating, just talking about random things, like crushes, school work, volleyball. I look over to Tanaka when someone askes me who my crush is.
"I don't have one, sorry I don't really have time for a partner, well not atm"
I smile at then as i start eating some pizza. Honestly i knew that I liked tanaka and it was pretty clear that he wasn't straight but as i said earlier, I don't have time for a relationship, so I should just ignore my feelings and focus on school work.

(Tanaka Pov)
I can't stop thinking about that kiss in the car, no one made us do it we did it on our own terms. I smile blushing slightly untill I see noya come over
"Whats up bro?" I ask
"You have a crush on anyone, were asking for no reason" he replies
"Um.. well I don't think I have a crush but if your pairing me up with anyone pair me up with enno-bro please" i smile at him look at Ennoshita who was talking with kinoshita.
"Okay thanks man" noya smiles back and walks off, I walk into the conversation off enno and kino.
"Hey what's up guys?" I ask
"Just talking really, about who ever gonna be sleeping with tonight, noya has several double mattress so we're sleeping on those" kino answer.
"Is that what noya was asking about for crushes?" I ask
"Oh yeah, he wants to put the crushes together.
'Oh no-' I think.
"Hey Ennoshita, ummm.. I said that I would pair up with you as, friends" i hated to say friends, i knew that i liked Ennoshita but i couldn't say that.
"Oh thanks fine, we have slept together before Tanaka" he says chuckling
"Oh yeah, right" I totally forgot about that.


Word count: 530

A/N: the asthma is a headcanon, it is not cannon i just wanted to add it in hear :) anyway sorry for not updating this earlier. I just didn't know what to write. Anyway hopefully will update soon

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