Chapter One

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Warning: not much just some sexy dancing and music that doesn't fit in the 50's

A/N: wasn't happy with the original writing so I'm redoing it.

        song- Toyfriend by David Guetta


Waking up at 6am, you start your morning routine as usual, once done you head for the kitchen to start breakfast.

You didn't have to make your own breakfast, as you could have ordered from room service, but you preferred doing your own cooking as it made you feel close to home still.

Sometimes sadness would overcome you when thinking of home, but you knew it had been in everyone's best interest that you had left. You had been on the verge of self-destruction back in those days, so the move had been good for all. The money you made now also allowed for your family to live comfortably.

Once done with breakfast, you head for the guest room now turned dressing room. It had been converted into one because you needed then space for all your regular clothes, costumes and make-up station.

The reason for all this, was because you were the main entertainment for the M.J. You had gotten the job by chance, you had initially gone for an interview for the position of finance manager, but your sense of style had gotten the attention of your boss, and now close friend, Stevie Evans.

Stevie had noticed a rare and unusual attraction in you, one he knew would bring tons of traffic into the M.J.

Your relationship with Stevie was a purely platonic one, you saw each other merely as siblings, and he wasn't your type at all.


A Year Ago

The day of the interview, you walked into the conference room wearing a black pants-suit, your orange-coloured hair pinned up in a stylish manner.

The interview had seemed to be going well, yet your nervousness about your sense of style being a put-off still managed to get the better of you.

You had unbuttoned your jacket when taking a seat, the leather corset that was over the blouse you were wearing clearly visible then.

It wasn't really something that was considered to be fashionable, yet you had made it your own uniquely personal style. Being on the more curvaceous side in body type, it kept everything more intact, well as making you feel sexy.

During the interview, you made sure to inform Stevie of all your physical traits, mentioning that you had tattoos that lined both forearms as well as multiple ear piercings.

Silently panicking that your appearance would be a deal-breaker in getting the job, you were caught off-guard when instead of confirming it to be, Stevie asked whether you could sing and dance.

When answering yes, Stevie stated that he was quite happy with your interview, that the management position was yours.

Confessing that you had feared your style might had put him off, Stevie reassured you that it was exactly what he had been looking for.

"What do you exactly mean by that?" you stared at him in confusion.

"You see, Ms. Engel-Engel..." Stevie stutters as he attempted to pronounce your last name as he silently admired your style.

She's not reed-thin, nor tall like most women in the show business, and doesn't seem to care to fit in either. She was exactly what the Miramar Junior need to put it on the map.

"Call me, Y/N or Y/N/N..." you softly chuckle at his failed attempt to say your last name. "And if we must be professional, Ms. E will do as my last name is quite a mouthful."

Stevie chuckles at your response as well.

"You see, Ms. E, the Miramar Playa has your usual showgirls and shows, but I want something fresh and usual for the M.J, and you're exactly what I'm looking for. Could we go downstairs and perhaps you could perform something for me?"

"Sure thing" you answer.

You were a bit nervous as you followed him but managed to pull yourself together once there.

Removing your jacket and unpinning your hair, you took position and began to sing.

I see you looking, yeah, you looking over my way

I'm gonna leash you up and put you into my cage

Teach you how to touch me, baby, how to say my name

Bet you never had nobody that'd give it you this way...

You let the song take over as you seductively danced to it.

I wanna... Put you in my closet

I wanna... Play till I'm exhausted

I wanna... Come, come, baby, come

Be my toyfriend, let me play with you

Come, come, baby, come

Be my toyfriend till I'm through with you

Let me play with you

Let me play with you...

You end the performance with a flirtatious smirk, and the sound of clapping and cheering from the club's staff floods the room.

"Perfect!" Stevie claps as he makes his way toward you.

"Exactly what I was looking for and more. Congratulations Ms. E, you're hired for both positions. I would also like to offer you an apartment-suite here at the M.J, it will be on the top floor amongst the VIP and our family suites."

Super excited over how lucky you had struck with obtaining both jobs, with a huge smile, you shook Stevie's hand.

"Thank you, Mr Evans. This is far more than what I had expected."

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