Chapter Two

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Warning: none

A/N: song- Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen


Present Day

Checking yourself in the mirror once more, you grabbed your purse and keys and head out to start the day's work.

"Good morning, Ms E... looking lovely as always" the attendant greets as you entered the elevator.

"Good morning, Joe..." you greet in return.

"How's it looking downstairs?"

"A mad-house as usual..." he remarks.

"Here we are..." Joe announces once you reached the ground floor.

"Enjoy your day, Ms. E..."

"You too, Joe..." you reply exiting the elevator.

Crossing the hotel foyer, you greet staff and guests alike as you make your way to the office elevator.

"Good morning, Cindy..." you greet the floor receptionist.

"Any messages?"

"Good morning, Ms. E..." Cindy greets in return.

"Here they are" she hands them over to you. "Mr Evans informed that he'll be dropping by at 10 to speak with you."

"Thanks Cindy... Could you have the kitchen send up a pot of coffee when he does, please."


You were hard at work, busy drafting up documents when Cindy rang in to remind you that Mr Evans would be up to see you soon, and the coffee should be arriving soon as well.

The bellhop arrived not long after, and you instructed him to place in on the cabinet as you tidied up a bit.

Not long after, there was a knock at the door.

"C'mon in, Stevie..." you called out.

Stevie enters with a broad smirk. "How'd you know it was me?"

"You said, you'd be here at 10, and you're the only that comes into my office without being announced by Cindy" you respond with a smirk.

"There's coffee on the counter. Help yourself while I quickly put these files away."

"How's things going on the business front?" Stevie enquires after taking a sip of his coffee.

"Everything's looking good so far... Just a few more files to go through, then I'll have everything in order for the yearly board meeting."

"That's great news, Y/N/N..." Stevie exhales a breath of relief.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit nervous about whether the board will be happy with the figures."

"Don't worry, Stevie" you reassure him.

"I'm good in what I do, and you that I would immediately inform you if the M.J was in trouble."

"I know, Y/N/N..." Stevie remarks, seeming much calmer as he smiled at you.

"That's why I consider you not only as my best employee, but as a close friend too."

You smile at his remark then.

"You ready for tonight?" he changes the topic then.

"Everything's set to go" you nod.

"Am I working the floor tonight?"

"Yes. But not tomorrow night" Stevie informs you.

"There's a clubbing event at 10pm after the show."

"Sounds like fun..." you remark, tilting your head to the side in thought.

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