Chapter Three

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Warning: none


Having only to be in office at 10 only, you woke up a bit later this morning, getting yourself reading and then heading downstairs for work.

As your workday was rounding off at 3pm, there was a knock at your door, followed by Stevie entering your office.

"You done for the day?" Stevie smirks at you.

"Hey, Stevie..." you greet him with a smile.

"Was just about ready to leave. Was there something you needed from me?"

"Nah, just checking on whether you're going to the event later tonight."

"Haven't really made up my mind about it yet" you shrug.

"Might pop in for an hour or so if I'm not too tired after the show. You going?"

"Got other plans for the evening..." Stevie shakes his head with a smirk.

"Does it involve a hot date?" you remark with a wink.

Stevie chuckles in response, "you know me too well..."

Stevie walks with you to the elevator were the two of you part ways then.


Later That Evening

You were doing your performance, when low-and-behold who was sitting in the mind front row of table; HIM.

Causing you to feel a nervous type off excitement as he attentively watched your every move.

You left immediately for the backstage after having finished the show, heading directly back to your apartment.

After dinner, you outside on the balcony, admiring the evening sky as you nursed a glass of wine. Thoughts of the mysterious stranger running through your mind yet again.

You contemplate then on going to tonight's event or not, wondering whether perhaps he might be there.

Deciding to go and find out, you gulp down your wine and get ready to go and see.


HE was sitting further down the bar when you entered into the club, causing him to nearly choke on his drink when seeing the tight dress, you were wearing.

Scanning you from top to bottom, he then notices the tattoos lining up your forearms.

Definitely not like your ordinary female...

HE found himself becoming furious as he watched you chatting with the bartender then, it came over him with a force, why? He wasn't quite sure.

HE watched as you downed three shots of Tequila, giving the bartender a kiss on the cheek, and head toward the dance floor then.

HE watched you as you seductively moved across the dance floor, a man then steps up to you and the two of you begin to dance.

The dancing is extremely up close and sexual, as you turn your back to the man, grinding yourself up against his front.

Self-control finally have snapped; HE decides things had gone far enough. He was finally going to make his move, consequences be damned.


You were enjoying dancing with the man that had approached you, when suddenly you felt his presences disappear from behind you a split second. Not long, an arm slips around your waist as you're pulled up closers against the person behind you.

Realization then hits, that there was a bit of height difference from the person you had initially been dancing with.

Turning around, you're caught off-guard when having to look far up in order to make eye contact. You were greeted by a pair of hazel eyes starring intensely down at you.

Recovering quickly from the surprise, you flash him a mischievous smirk, wrapping your arms around his neck as the two of you continue on dancing.

The sexual energy flows heavy between the two of you, after the third dance he grabs hold of your hand to lead you off of the dance floor.

You sat silently studying HIM as he signalled a waiter over to the table and spoke with him for a bit.

"What will the beautiful lady like to drink?" HE turns to face you with a knowing smirk.

Realizing he had caught you staring, you blushed.

"Red wine..."

After giving the order to the waiter, HE turns his full attention toward you then.

"Excuse my manners, MS. Rogue..." he reaches a handout in introduction.

"I'm Isaac... and I'm a big fan."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Isaac" you take hold of his hand.

"Call me, Y/N... Ms Rogue, is just a stage-name."

Isaac grins at you, flashing his dimples.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady...."

You couldn't help but be charmed by him.

"My, aren't you ever the charmer..."

Isaac's dimples sink in deeper then.

"Just being a gentleman, Ma'am."

"A gentleman, you say..." you tilt your head.

"Didn't seem that way earlier on the dance floor..."

Isaac lets out a small chuckle.

"After admiring you from afar these few nights, I thought it was by time that I introduced myself when I noticed you enter the club earlier."

"Arching a brow at him, you remark, "and you didn't think to perhaps do so while you were watching me at the bar?"

Isaac's eyes widen in surprise at you remark, you lean into to him in order to whisper into his ears.

"That's right... I noticed you watching me the instant I stepped into the club."

You move away from him, but not before softly blowing into his ear, causing him to physically shudder in response.

"Oh, I most definitely noticed..." you smirk at him in response.

Isaac and you continue to chat for the next for hours as the two of you got to know each other.

When time came for you to retire for the evening, Isaac offers to walk to your room.

Isaac had an arm around your waist the entire elevator ride up. When it stopped on your floor, you turned to place a kiss on Isaac's cheek.

"Tonight, was fun... hope we'll get to do it again soon..."

Isaac flashes you a dimpled smile then, "I hope to do so too... Goodnight, Y/N.

"Goodnight, Isaac..." you smile at as you exit the elevator and head for your room.

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