Possessive- Prologue

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*King's POV*

"Let me see you," I whispered into Zora's ear. She pushed up her glasses and tilted her head. It was just the two of us tonight. It was the first time in years we'd ever gotten a chance to be alone.

I looked down at her, she moved her hair out of her face revealing her gorgeous freckles. "I- I-"

"When you speak to me, you will speak with authority in your voice. We aren't 16 anymore. You can't whisper something and expect everyone to find how shy you are adorable." I crossed my arms. Even though she looks and sounds precious, I can't baby her as I did in high school.

"But-" She bit her knuckle. I covered my mouth and cheeks hiding the red that flushed my face. She was so damn captivating.

"Come here." I held my hand out as if we weren't already so close my inhale was her exhale Reluctantly, she took it. I yanked her closer she gasped as her body crashed against mine "I have a test for you." I muttered, she nodded, her once tense body relaxing as she looked up at me.

"I just..." I cleared my throat. " I just want to test a few of your reactions." I gripped her waist. Her eyes widened as she realized the placement of my hands slowly inching to grip her ass.

"Stop looking down. Look at me." I lifted her chin lightly. Her coconut brown eyes glistened in the candlelit room as our eyes finally held contact. "You're so fucking gorgeous." I ran my thumb over her lip. I wanted to kiss her so bad... to own her so bad... but alas, she's a virgin. I don't want to make it seem like I only want her womanhood, because I don't. I want her.

She moved to cover her mouth, but I stopped her. I wanted to see how flustered she could be.

I backed her toward my bedroom door and wrapped my hand around her throat pushing my body against hers.

"King-" She took off her glasses. It wasn't long before her face reddened as tears streamed down her plump cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"What do you want from me? What could you possibly want from me?" Her soft passive voice had risen making her sound more womanly than I'd ever heard from her. "You're a surgeon and I work behind a fucking desk, I'm 26, barely graduated college, knee-deep in debt, and I drive a 2016 fucking Toyota Camry-"

"You think I care about any of those things?"

"Yes because I fucking care. Look at your fucking house! YOUR FUCKING BATHROOM IS THE SIZE OF MY ENTIRE FUCKING APARTMENT! YET YOU WANT... ME?!"

"You see that voice of yours? I'm going to need you to remember who the fuck you're talking to. I'm glad you mustered up the courage to release your inner-woman, but I want you to lower your fucking tone."

"I'M NOT YOUR-" She began but I gripped her throat and kissed her.

"Aren't you though?" I gripped her thigh.

"You should be with someone pretty, skinny, and confident. I'm 165 fucking pounds, my stretch marks look like a fucking road map, I still wear these fat ass fucking glasses, my freckles look like someone threw dirt on my face, and I couldn't kill a fly for the life of me. I don't understand w-"

"Keep belittling yourself Zora, you're only adding on to your punishment." I ran my fingers through her hair. She gulped before looking away.

"What do you mean?" Her voice had returned to its previous state, soft and passive.

"I thought you'd never ask." I picked her up and laid her on the bed.

"Are you familiar with the term, 'DDLG'?"

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