Chapter 2- Minority

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"Tell me about you." I cut into my steak. She tilted her head. "You know, what changed." I specified. She nodded and took a sip of her drink.

"Right, I work at Safe Meridian as a representative during the day from 12 pm-12 am. As of now, I am putting hours in at Felix and Micheal Law Firm from 5 am- 11 am. Every. Single. Day."

"Oh? So if I get a lawsuit you'll be able to defend me?" I joked. 

She giggled and took another sip as she twirled her fork in her pasta, "I wouldn't give myself so much credit. Anyways, enough about me, what about you?"

"Ah, I'm a surgeon."

"Obviously, what kind?"

"Ah, a neurosurgeon." I sipped on my Old Fashioned. She rose eyebrows in interest.

"Oh, you went for one of the highest paying, interesting."

"No. It's the highest paying." I fixed my tie.

"Still as cocky as ever." She laughed

"What about you? What type of lawyer do you aim to be?"

"Well, I took a different and higher-paying path. I'm training to be an IP attorney." She said ate one of her shrimp. 

"Oh, you must be loaded." I smiled.

"Negative. I wish though. However, I'm still paying debt. Now that I think about it, it should be paid off by the end of this month." She pat around her mouth with the provided cloth.

"You're in debt?"I asked. She nodded. "How much do you owe?"

"20 grand." She took another bite of her noodles

"If you want I could-"

"I have the money King." She smiled.

"So why haven't you-"

"I owed way more than that. I'm just now paying the rest."

"Hustling I see." I chuckled. 

"Only way to make a living."

I couldn't help but be turned on. She's grown so much as a woman since the last time I'd had a one on one conversation with her. And being so close to her I could still see that mole she hates ever so much lightly covered with makeup. Her jawline was strong and defined, her large eyes tinted with the most luxurious shade of brown that glistened ever so gently in the candlelit environment, her sandy brown hair framed her face perfectly as it fell past her hips. 

Her breasts grew a lot as did her hips. I was starting to wonder. Was she still a virgin?

"Something on my face?" She broke through the silence. 

I shook my head, "but I do have a question." I raised my hand for another drink. "Are you still... you know,"

"Another Old Fashioned?" The waiter approached our table.

"A virgin?" Zora then giggled. I looked at the waiter who looked back in confusion. 

"No, a Manhattan." I smiled at the disarrayed server. 

"Right away," He walked away.

"You're bold, I gather that much. But yes." 

"I am... Remember how many times I tried to give it to you... but you insisted on waiting till graduation. And then boom. You broke up with me... something about... 'finding yourself' was it?" She proceeded to remind me of one of the biggest mistakes I ever made.

"Now I want to know," I could feel her inching her foot up my leg, "have you found yourself yet?"

"Slow your roll baby girl," 

She rolled her eyes and leaned back.

"I'm 27 soon to be 28, yet you're still treating me like I'm 16." She scowled. I smiled as the waiter brought my drink.

"Anything for you miss?"

"Yes, can I get an El Presidente hold the vermouth, hold the curacao, hold the grenadine, and hold the ice." She smiled. Smart. They don't serve liquor here unless you order it like this.

"It's all out  of love." I took another bite of my steak. When I glanced up at her I caught a glimpse of that promiscuous look in her eye. 

I can't wait to make her mine.

"So I take it you're single?" I averted my eyes back to the steak. The long we made eye contact was the more I yearned for her.

"Yeah... I've been involved with a few people though. However, I realize men love sex and get very upset when you refuse to do it with them. Hell, one almost raped me." She sighed as the waiter brought back her drink. 

"One white rum straight no ice." He set the cocktail glass on the coaster. How could she be so calm?

"Did you report him to the police?" I asked finishing the asparagus. She shook her head and pushed her plate to the side. 

"I'm sorry, I've lost my appetite." 

Damn it... I must've made her uncomfortable.

"Hey what do you say we ditch this fancy-ass place and head back to my house." 

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