21- Empty

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Kellin was making me feel so empty and soulless. I knew that I had room for two in my body, so why did it feel like nothing was inhabiting me?

Maybe it's because your roomie is a fucking murder.

This would be true, but I couldn't help to see the other side of it. Kellin was revengeful and stuck. This fact would never ever justify his actions, but it gave me a view point.

This view point being that I had to get him off of this earth. But this is more complicated than it sounds like, because in order for him to be set free, I have to find his body.

And it's help if I could find who murdered him too, simply because I bet Kellin's a bit curious. Now that all of those kids reported his face, they opened up his case again which would make it easy to go and access files that I needed.

Secretly, of course. Because who wouldn't think twice about a guy stealing files to an active case.

My hand twitched by my side, representing how excited I was to start solving something and getting this bastard out of my life. Funny how quickly my perspective of Kellin changed.

Funny how quickly my perspective on anyone could change. Maybe it's not as humorous as I thought, considering that change does scare me and so does the severity of what I'm dealing with here. I miss being the rich kid that didn't have any problems other than hating his parents and people around him.

Never would I have thought that I would have been more content living my old life than going through this current situation.

I felt Kellin think inside of me, although I couldn't get inside his head. I always felt his presence here. Even when I was asleep, my body would feel how active he was being. He knew my plan, simply because he knows everything about me. Technically, he is me.

Hating myself has been taken to a new level.



Wow I haven't updated in forever!!! Sorry that this was short and crappy, I've been so busy lately.

On a different note, my girlfriend read the smut I wrote for my Muke fan fiction out loud and it was embarrassing. But she said it was hot ;)

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