Part 11

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Sora: What's wrong with him?
Xion: He took one of those "Which Kingdom Hearts character are you" quizzes.
Sora: Dare I ask who he got?
Xion: You

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Sora: I know you're busy killing heartless but I was just calling to see if you still love me because the way you said goodbye this morning sounded particularly angry.
Riku: ...?
Sora: Oh and can you bring more Fruitloops, pwease?

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Mickey: Have you seen my son?
Mickey: Tall, silver hair and green eyes.
Mickey: 100% gay but we haven't had the talk yet.

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*In a store*
Riku: Excuse me, ma'am, I've lost someone.
Security: How old is your child, sir?
Riku: He's 16
Security: Oh well, I'm sure he can manage himse--
Riku: No, you don't know Sora like I do. He's not capable of something like that.

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Riku: Just go in and say hello to her and get out again. It's not that hard, Sora.
Sora: Okay... Hi mum, bye mum!
Sora's mum, catching him by the hoodie: hOLD IT! You and that bloody key sword aren't going anywhere!
Sora: Crap...

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Kairi: I don't know how you put up with Sora sometimes...
Riku: He may be an idiot, but he's my idiot.

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Sora: I was thinking, an autumn wedding would be best. Not too cold, not too hot. Or we could do spring, with all the pretty flowers!
Riku: But we aren't engaged...?
Sora: ...
Sora: So THAT'S what I forgot to do yesterday.

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Riku: I need you
Sora: For...?
Riku: Ever.

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Kairi: Is there anyone among us who is actually straight...
Isa: *Raises hand*
Axel: *Put's Isa's hand down*

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Sora: So on to plan B!
Roxas: Technically, this is plan K.
Riku: How many plans do we have? Is there a plan X?
Kairi: Yeah but Mickey dies in that one.
Aqua: After he left me in hell for ten years, I like plan X.

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Xion: I hate you with every inch of my body!
Axel: That's not a lot of inches.
*An hour later*
Kairi: I found Axel on the side of the road, I think a truck hit him.
Xion: Leave him there.

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Xehanort: Oh grow up, little boy.
Sora: I'd tell you to grow up too, but then you'd probably die of old age before I could have the satisfaction of killing you.

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A/N: Wow it's been a while since I've posted some of these... Since Christmas in fact XD
Anyway hope you all enjoyed and I dunno when I'll update these again because I've been writing my main story for a change :3

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