Part 8

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Riku: I would like to propose-
Sora: *Eyes widen*
Riku: An idea
Sora: *Sniffling dejectedly* Oh...


Sora: Let's have nicknames for each other!
Riku: I'm scared, but go on...
Sora: How does soulmate sound?
Riku: *Gay panic*


Riku: Honestly by now I have no fears
Sora: What if I actually died?
Riku: ...I have one fear.


Xehanort: I will kill you!
Riku: There are lots of things worse than death, like Sora getting killed, Sora disappearing, Sora getting hurt, Sora hating me...
Xehanort: Okay, okay. I get the point, lover boy.


Sora: I can't go, stress is bad for the baby
Riku: ...What baby??
Sora: Me.


Naminé: Have you seen Xion around? We have a date tonight.
Axel: Sorry, who's Xion?
Xion, with a murderous glint in her eye as she enters: You still have learnt nothing? I may not be able to eat your shower curtains but I WILL KICK YOU IN THE BALLS!
Axel: Wait, please no! You can't-
Xion: Yeah, you're right – I should kick you WHERE THEY SHOULD BE!


Riku: *Recording, staring deadpan into the camera* And here, you can see the endangered Sora in his natural habitat
Sora: *Comes falling down the stairs, spilling his Fruit Loops everywhere*
Riku: It's only thanks to me that natural selection has not yet eliminated this rare specimen...


Riku: *Picking up his gummi phone* What do you need now, Sora? This is the twentieth time you've called me-
Sora: How many cans of energy drink do you think it takes before I cross the line from "heightened senses" to "dead"?
Riku: ...
Riku: I'm on my way, please don't die before I get there...


Sora: I'm responsible!
Riku: That lie in itself is irresponsible. Do you have ANY proof of your words?
Sora: I haven't been grounded by my parents in two whole years!
Riku: You haven't bothered to return home in two years!
Sora: Mum will murder me if I go back now...
Riku: You have disproved your point twice, care to keep going?


Vanitas: Nothing is stronger than me now.
Sora: Wrong! My friends are stronger than you!
Sora, slapping him with the keyblade: Even I'm stronger than you!


Axel: Small creatures are way more vicious, I think it's because they have less space for the anger to be bottled up in...
Roxas: Ridiculous. Where's your proof?
Hayner: Wasps
Pence: Spiders
Olette: Chihuahuas
Axel, muttering with fear in his voice: ...Xion, Kairi


Demyx: If I was a drink, I'd be Sparkling Water. What would you guys be?
Larxene: Bleach
Luxord: Sewage
Demyx: Okay, edgelords... Geez, why did I even bother?
Marluxia: I'd be rose water-
Demyx: See, that's how you're supposed to answer!
Marluxia: With a dash of cyanide
Demyx: ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ


A/N: I won't be updating these until I edit & upload the next chapter of my actual story, because it's been more than two months since I've done so! It'll be done soon, though. Thank you for you patience! Every read, comment and vote on these silly things are appreciated so much, too. So many thanks to all of you!

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