Part 10 - Christmas Special

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Aerith: Merry Christmas!
Cloud: Do you mean to wish me a Merry Christmas, or do you mean it is a merry Christmas whether I want it to be or not? Or perhaps you mean you say you feel merry on this particular Christmas? Or simply stating that this is a Christmas to be merry on?
Aerith: Cloud, I have a spell named "Silence" for more than one reason. Don't make me use it.

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Sora: If someone wants coal for Christmas but they've been bad, does Santa give them a gift or do they win either way?
Kairi: Please stop...
Riku: No, wait... He actually has a point for once...

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Axel: Here's a fun Christmas idea. We'll hand mistletoe, but instead of kissing you have to fight whoever is underneath it.
Xion: We aren't doing that.

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Kairi: Okay, almost done decorating the tree! Just need to put the angel on top. Can you please do it, Riku?
Riku: Sure thing! *Grabs & yeets Sora on top of the Christmas tree*

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Axel: Dear Santa, I've been good this year.
Axel: ... Most of the year.
Axel: Okay... Once in a while.
Axel: Never mind, I'll just beg Saix and Roxas for stuff

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Sora: Last year I asked Santa for the cutest person alive. I woke up in a box.

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Sora: Riku, don't be alarmed if you're stuffed into a bag by an oversized man on Christmas Eve.
Riku: ...?
Sora: This year I asked Santa for the hottest person alive.

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Sora: Hello Riku marry me please!
Sora: I mean Merry Christmas, stupid autocorrect, am I right??
Riku: This is a verbal conversation AND we're already married...

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Sora: Vani! What are you bringing to the Christmas dinner?
Vani: My negative attitude and perfect personality.

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Sora: It's about time to switch from our normal weapons to our special Christmas ones!
Kairi: Is there a difference?
Riku: Yep. He somehow made the Christmas ones light up.

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Santa: Get inside this box.
Riku: Who the hell are you and WHY?
Santa: Sora asked for the hottest man alive.
Santa: Just get in the box, I don't have all night.
Riku: ...
Riku: Yeah, okay.

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Axel: *Holds up mistletoe and kisses Roxas*
Roxas: What just happened?
Axel: Christmas romance?
Roxas: Disgusting.
Roxas: ...
Roxas: Do it again.

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A/N: Merry Christmas! Or Wattmas! Or Happy Holidays! Or just have a nice day, whatever it is you're celebrating.

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