Part 4

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A/N: The image I found to go with the above Incorrect Quote was too cute not to include! I'm not sure who the artist is, but if you are aware, please let me know so I can give them the proper credit!

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A/N: The image I found to go with the above Incorrect Quote was too cute not to include! I'm not sure who the artist is, but if you are aware, please let me know so I can give them the proper credit!


Riku: Please give me words of encouragement so that I don't murder someone right now
Kairi: There's no Sora in jail
Riku: *nodding* Thanks


Riku: You're an idiot...
Sora: But I'm your idiot!
Riku: ...
Sora: ^-^
Riku: ...
Sora: *shrugs and walks away*
Riku: *smiling* He's my perfect idiot ^-^


Kairi: What's missing? A E O U
Sora: I
Kairi: What's the opposite of hate?
Sora: Love
Kairi: Who do you want to share a paopu fruit with?
Sora: Riku
Kairi: I shoulda saw it coming >_<


Axel: Hey, Roxas!
Roxas: Not now, Chiphunk.
Axel: Chiphunk?
Xion: He thinks you look like a large flaming chipmunk.
Axel: You know what, I'll take it.


Kairi: You okay, Sora?
Sora: I couldn't sleep a wink last night, Kai...
Kairi: You know what they say. If you can't sleep it's because someone else is thinking about you!
Sora: Yeah right. Who'd be thinking about me at 3AM?
Riku: *Looks away guiltily in panicked silence*


*Playing D&D*
Sora: I roll to steal Riku's heart!
Riku: Sora, that's not --
Sora: *Rolls a twenty*
Riku: ...
Namine, the dungeonmaster: You have a Disneyland wedding. I'm Riku's best woman, and Kairi is Sora's.


Riku: I'm upset and nothing you do can change it.
Riku: No
Riku: No
*Axel drags Sora into the room*
Riku: *fighting a smile* That's... not fair...


Riku: I've been dropping these insanely obvious hints for like a year now, no response...
Sora: Whoever it is is really lucky and very dumb
Riku: They can be smart though... Just sometimes so dense it's actually painful.
Sora: Maybe be more direct and obvious? Like an outright "I love you".
Riku: Maybe you're right... Hey, Sora. I love you.
Sora: Yeah, you got it, just say that! If they can't catch that, they don't deserve you.
Riku: For Pete's sake -_-


Sora: Don't look at me like that
Riku: Like what?
Sora: Like I'm your everything
Riku: Well how else am I supposed to look at you??


Sora: Hey Riku! You want me to do a tarot reading for you?
Riku: Sure, I guess...?
Sora: *Lays down cards* Alright, this one tells me you're the most handsome guy in all the worlds, this one says you're an angel, and this one concludes that you're the definition of perfect and--
Riku: Sora, these aren't tarot cards, they're pictures of me...
Sora: Whoops! Still unbelievably accurate though ^-^


Sora: Have you ever been in love, Riku?
Riku: Yeah, one time
Sora: Sooo how'd it end?
Riku: *Looks at Sora fondly* *Looks away to hide his blushing*
Riku: It didn't...

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