Part 3

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Sora: It'll work. Trust me!
Riku: Trust you?
Sora: Erm... Trust... Trust Mickey?
Riku: ... Mickey I trust.


Sora: *waving around a wand in a magician suit* Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo!
Riku: What on earth are you doing now, Sora...?
Sora: It was a spell to turn you into the perfect boyfriend!
Riku: But I don't feel any different...
Sora: Then it worked ^-^
Riku: *gay panic*


Mickey: But Aqua... She's like Sora.
Riku: What!? *Internally - Oh hell, another self-sacrificial maniac, we really don't need another --but hey maybe this is a good thing, if she's like Sora maybe I'll fall in love with her and won't have to repress my feelings for Sora all the time... Yeah, maybe this is a positi--*
Mickey: No no no... Strong like Sora!
Riku: Okay... Good... I guess she's gonna be alright *internally - Dammit >_<*


Axel: Okay Xion, if you run and jump at Roxas, I bet he'd catch you!
Xion: We'll see *Runs at him*
Roxas: Xion don't I'm -- *Drops everything and catches her*
Axel: Oh so you'll catch her but not me?!
Roxas: There is a big different, you giant.


Sora: Hey, Wiku ^-^ *Gives him the cutest smile*
Riku: *DON'T GAY PANIC DON'T GAY PANIC DON'T GAY PANIC crap he's waiting for a reply don't say anything stupid*
Riku: Yeah you too *>_< Crappppp*


Riku: Am I straight?
Kairi: I mean, Sora exists so I'm gonna say nope...
Riku: ...?
Riku: I meant my parking of the gummi ship...
Kairi: Oh yeah. You're fine.


Sora: I challenge you to an arm wrestle!
Riku: Sure, but I'm not about to go easy on you just because you're my boyfriend.
Kairi: Can I watch?
Sora: Yeah, you can be our judge!
Kairi: ...
Kairi: ...
Kairi: Oh come on guys, now you're just holding hands... And now you're cuddling... And I'm leaving, have a nice date.


Axel: Why are Sora and Riku sitting back to back?
Kairi: They got into a fight
Axel: Then why are they holding hands?
Kairi: Sora gets sad when they fight.


Riku: You look like my first husband.
Sora: Riku, you've never had a husband...
Riku: Exactly.
Sora: Are you saying that I don't exist?
Riku: That's... Never mind >_<


Sora *trying to be intimidating*: I will not hesitate to destroy everything you love!!
Riku: What if I love you?
Sora: Well the jokes on you because I've been self-sacrificial my whole LIFE


Riku: You look... well
Sora: Ermmm, yeah, you too...
Kairi: *Puts down the slice of cake she was eating* Oh enough! I cannot watch this awkwardness in silence any longer. Riku, would you like to take Sora on a date on Friday evening?
Riku: I... Uhmmm...
Kairi: Simple and clean question. Yes or no?
Riku: Yes. Yes I would.
Kairi: And Sora, would you like to go with him?
Sora: I would love to!!
Kairi: Brilliant. How marvellous for you both. Now I can enjoy my cake in peace.

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