What's precious to You

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Proverbs 7:1-2

[7:1] Follow my advice, my son; always treasure my commands. [2] Obey them and live! Guard my teachings as your most precious possession.* The question... What are you guarding as your most precious possession? Is it a who, a what, even a where? We talk Christ and his love, but what do you really protect in your heart as most precious, and is it your love for God and his word? How do you find out? 1. What do you make time for regularly? 2. What is the thing you do everyday with out fail? 3. If you had the money you want what would you buy? ( be honest ) 4. What makes you most angry?

Now any one of these things won't tell you by itself, but together you should see a picture of you! Finally, if you had one hour to live, what would you spend it doing? Allow God's love to first and most precious in your life and then you will begin really experiencing LIFE.

God Bless

Pastor Kris

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