Short Tempered Decisions

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Proverbs 14:17 (NLT)

[17] Those who are short-tempered do foolish things, and schemers are hated.

Valentine's Day has a long history and many varied stories of its origin. The most noted is of an Emperor Claudius II, of Rome who was having trouble increasing his army. He believed the men were to in love and would not join so he band all marriages! (cruel). There was a St. Valentine who continued to perform marriages, by candle light. He was caught, beaten and beheaded, but before his death he left a note to the jailers daughter, "Love, from your Valentine". It was foolish of the emperor to stop marriages, or to think it would help his army. When you are short tempered you do foolish things and make foolish decisions. 1. Never decide in anger. 2. Focus your efforts on the benefit of others. 3. Hear other peoples opinions, good and bad. 4. Learn to laugh at yourself and enjoy the moment.

With love, from your valentine...

Pastor Kris

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