Giving is Living

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Proverbs 3:27 (NLT)

[27] Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it's in your power to help them. In our individualistic self centered it becomes easy to find reason not to aid or help your brother. Could be mad with them, they could owe you, you don't have time our you just don't feel like it. Do any of those responses resonate with you? It is our sinful nature to not help or not assist. Often times we have been burned in the past when we tried to help so we go extreme left and stop helping all together. Remember at some point we all need help. Your blessing are connected to your giving of yourself, your time, your talents and your resources.

1. Forgive that person that burned you, that misused your giving. 2. Search your circle for someone(s) you can help and help! 3. Remember you more like Jesus when you give. 4. Obey the spirit when He prompts you to act!

God Bless

Pastor Kris

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