Let The Lord Lead

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Proverbs 21:31 (NLT)

[31] The horses are prepared for battle, but the victory belongs to the LORD.

In this proverb horses represent the sum total of man's finest work, planning and effort. Though it is important for you to labor and to plan and to even hustle, this should never get in front of total submission to God's will for your life. In the old roman days a horse was superior to a soldier on foot, but believer is to never put their trust in anything or anyone except God. Only then can you be sure of your victory! 1. Pray and ask God to direct your path. 2. Plan your event, activity, day, week, etc...

3. Persistently seek God's will in your life, staying in His word and presence. 4. Prepare for God to rearrange and rewire your plans and direction and yield to the Holy Spirit. 5. Praise the Lord from beginning to end.

God Bless

Pastor Kris

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