The Power of Giving

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Proverbs 18:16 (NLT)

[16] Giving a gift works wonders; it may bring you before important people!

The key to opening the door of your prayers and expectations is giving. Giving is a God like trait and is so under rated today. Everyone is trying to get. I'm always tickled by people that I come across that provide a service for me bugging me to pay, if they only knew that I would have considered doing so much more for them, but they were operating in there hoarish mentality and got paid but missed their blessing! It is important to be shrewd and discerning, but at the same time one should look for opportunities that God had ordained. Opportunities to give unselfishly. It is this type of giving that puts you in places that you alone could have never entered. 1. Look for opportunities to give. 2. True giving's return is from God not from people. 3. Max out your giving card each day, and then do more. 4. Forgive those people who abused your giving.

God Bless

Pastor Kris

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