The Right Touch

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Proverbs 17:22 (NLT)

[22] A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength.

God has granted us a great power called touch. Many a great song has been written about a special touch. When you are feeling down the right touch is able to lift you up! In the Eastern world or the orient people are very sensitive to who and how they touch. Touching in essence is transferring of spirit. This text directs us in seeking to be in good Spirit's that we might medicine to others around us. The woman with the issue of blood needed only to touch the hem of Jesus' robe to be healed. We also must guard from sapping touches, depressed, sad, angry, negative, disgruntled, needy, aggravated people. These touches will drain you, take from you and leave you empty.

1. Remain in prayer. 2. Check yourself and your attitude. 3. Inspect your circle of friends for negative folks.

God Bless

Pastor Kris

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