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"Okay but- she still seems like a jerk."

Namjoon groaned and flopped back on the couch. This had been going on for an hour, and each of them had tried, to no avail, to convince Jimin that Yoongi's sister was not, in fact, a jerk.

"Okay lets try this," Jin had come back with a bowl of fruit and was passing them out to the boys. "What about her makes her seem like a jerk?" 

To that, he had no answer. His ears twitched as he folded his arms and looked away.

"Ah, I see."

The room fell silent, everyone  waiting for him to elaborate.

"You see....what?"

"Oh nothing." He murmured, staring at the boy who was avoiding looking at him.

Silence once again. 

Are you jealous?

Jimin snapped his head around and stared open mouthed at Jin who had taken a seat beside Namjoon. 



Sure you aren't.

"Yoongi, you're an idiot." 

An exasperated voice made its way into the room, making everyone turn and look.

"Me? An idiot? No, you must be mistaken." 

The girl threw her hands up in the air "Really? 'Cuz going after blood wolves at night, and alone seems pretty idiotic to me." 

"It wasnt night when I went." Yoongi mumbled

Areum groaned and grabbed her brother by the ear. 

"Jesus, Ow-"

"Oh shut up Yoongi." She pulled him down to her level and spoke sternly "You will never do that again. Understood?" She puled him closer by his ear when he didnt answer. "I said. Do. You. Understand?" Her brother nodded quickly and was released "Good."

After he was released he was met with a room of shocked people. "The hell are you all looking at?" He grumbled, rubbing at his ear.

"Its just...last time Hobi hyung did that you threatened to throw him out the window." Jungkook said 

The room was silent once again, before a giggle filled the room. "The softie would never."

"Anyways." Jimin spoke again, acid in his tone.

Jin sighed and glanced at the girl. 

He doesnt like you much.

She bit her lip and nodded in understanding.

I figured. 

Areum crossed the room before standing in front of the angry male. "Can I ask you two questions?"

"You already used one." 

She laughed "I know, I only need the one. But really, why don't you like me? I understand if you were unsure of me, after all, I literally came out of the trees. But you seem to have your mind made up already.  Why is that?" 

Jimin stared at her, his eyes flickering to look at Yoongi, who was watching him with the rest of the room.

"Alright everyone. The tension is cool and all, kind of like what would be in a book," Taehyung waved his hand at the other side of the room "but why is she here all of a sudden?"

Yoongi looked like he was going to punch something, and Hoseok had since started talking to him quietly. A few minutes later he looked up at his little sister.

"Why did you leave after I told you to wait for me?" 

Her mouth opened, but no words came out. Yoongi frowned and hopped over the couch to get to her quicker. "Why did you leave home?"

She looked down at the floor and sighed. "I cant tell you, Its too hard to explain.  But I can..I can show you." She bit her lip again, a motion everyone was quickly coming to understand she did when she was concerned, before looking at Namjoon and vanishing.  

"Come on." Yoongi opened the window and sniffed at the air outside before jumping. 

"Im too old for these things." Jin groaned before following

Soon they were in that same forest, where Yoongi had stopped. There was a white wolf sitting there, waiting for them. She stood quickly and went straight for Yoongi before stopping. She sat down again and dropped her head.

"Alright Muffin...what is it?" Yoongi crouched to look closer. 

She poked his hand with her nose and maneuvered it onto her head before leaning until it was on her neck. "What..oh. This? Do you want it off?"

Her tail stopped moving, as if she were hesitating. She stared at Namjoon again before nodding. 

The chain that held the necklace on was removed, and the smell that hit Yoongi made his head cloud. She didnt smell bad. But it was a smell that Yoongi knew much too well. The type of scent that was different from a heat, but had the same effects. They were related by blood, he felt nothing other than concern. Because a scent like this is what made Alphas fight. She was powerful and it was obvious.  

"Joonie hyung? Whats wrong?" Jungkook sounded worried, and made the others turn to see what the issue was. A gust of wind blew through them and Namjoon's eyes focused then unfocused on the siblings. Another wind blew and his eyes grew impossibly dark. 


Lets not even talk about how long this took me.

Wolves//BTS AU/Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora