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"Eomma? Appa?" The little girl called, making her way through the large house. She had just been practicing for hours on how to Shift, and she wanted to show her parents. 

She frowned, her small ears twitching as she searched for any sign of sound. She heard  muffled crashes from her fathers office and she ran up the steps, almost tripping up the last few. The door was cracked and she could hear shouting.

"Let my son go ......!"  She heard her father yell, clearly angry.

There was a laugh and a thump as her brother was thrown to the floor, and he looked like he was in pain. Her normally strong brother had started to cry, afraid and worried. He noticed the door and he kept mouthing at her "Go. Leave here." Unfortunately, the other male noticed and opened the door.

She fell back, scooting away from the danger.

"Now what is a pretty little girl like you doing here?"  He cooed, pointing the gun in her direction. She kept moving back, her sensitive tail shooting pain up her spine every time it dragged against the floor.

"Now don't worry I wont hurt you." He purred, stalking forwards. Her back hit the little space of wall before the stairs and he grinned. Before she could do anything, she was being hauled up by her hair and a scream escaped her lips, tears freely falling. He pulled her back to the study and she paled at the feeling of cold metal against her skull. Her mother was surrounded by books, some on top of her still body. Much too still. Much Much to still.

"Now lets try this again. Hand it over or both of your children die."

Thrown into a new version of "Fight or Flight" Called "Fight or Die" the little girl was thinking of anything that could help her.

"if all else fails,kick then bite, and bite hard. They'll be in pain, and might drop their weapon. You'd only have a few seconds to get away, or get some think fast muffin."

"Suga said bite." she mumbled, ears pressed back, and her tail between her legs.

"What was that sweetie?"

"I-I said" she gathered all the courage in her little body and kicked as hard as she could. Making him direct his attention away from her to his leg. "Suga said BITE!" Before he could pull the trigger, her teeth were sinking into his hand. 

He shouted in pain and threw her off, his gun dropping onto the carpeted floor. She hit the bookcase but didnt have time to acknowledge the throbbing where her tail met her back, and grabbed his gun. 


"You brat! Give me my gun!" 

It was terrifying for her to see. Grown man staggering like the undead, small amounts of blood dripping from his hand, eyes wild and crazed. 

He was getting too close, shed never fired a gun before, could she do it? Yes, she had to do it. There's no other choice. But she doesnt want this on her mind all the time. If he come any closer she wont have anything on her mind ever again. 

So shoot him.

Shoot him or he shoots you.


Did she do it? She should look, but she cant.

Opening one eye so she could just make out the blurry room, the tall dark shadow had stopped. She did it. She stopped him.




Both eyes wide open she stared at his head. There's a hole- did she do that? She had to have done it. Theres another- in his belly. Why did she do that? Her brother was on the floor wide-eyed, and her father staring at the floor, face unreadable.

She looked down and was met with the color red. Red staining the white carpet her mother prided herself on keeping so clean. The red was coming closer, how does she make it stop?

The metal of the gun was suddenly heavy in her hands and she dropped it. A small squelch was heard when it fell, and she paled.

"Daddy did I kill him?" She whispered

Daddy isnt watching. Daddy isnt listening.

"Brother, did I kill him?" 

Brother didnt hear her. Nobody could hear her over the sirens.

Mommy still hasnt moved. Why doesnt she get up? The bad man is dead why isnt she moving?

The bad man is dead.

The bad man is dead.

She killed the bad man.

She killed a man.

She killed a person.

People get in lots of trouble for that dont they? She saw it on TV. People go to jail forever. Was she going to jail?

There was a crash of the door falling of the hinges downstairs. Footsteps pounded up them and the door swung open.

"Hands in the air! All of you!"

She didnt put her hands in the air. She couldnt breathe. 


"Dont move!"

"My daughter is clearly shaken cant you see that!? Let her brother help her!"

"All of you! Hands! Up!"

She still didnt move. This is too much. 

"I killed the bad man" she whispered.

And the world went black.

Did I basically hijack Sinon's past? I mean-

yeah. I did do that.   ._.

Wolves//BTS AU/Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu