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Areum left the office with her mind racing, unable to process what she learned. Her headphones playing music in the background, but she couldn't focus on the lyrics.

His name is Yoongi. He goes to this school. He's the schools resident troublemaker. He's in a pack of seven.

She sat down on a bench, the hall pass Serena gave her suddenly burning a hole in her pocket. She groaned and turned up her phone until the music was loud enough to drown out the outside world as she got up to walk around until the next bell. As the song ended, a new one played, and she started to hum along walking through the hall

She hadn't realized how late it had gotten until the shrill ring of the bell pierced through her tranquil state of mind and reminded her of where she was. 

Well, I guess I cant skip the rest of my classes...

A few minutes later she was in her chemistry class, her personal laptop sitting in front of her, as she played a game until the bell rang. She'd just finished fighting a boss when a hand slammed on her desk and made her look up. 

"So, who's laptop did you steal?"

"What are you talking about Jay?"She muttered, looking back to her screen. 

"I doubt you could afford this, so who did you steal it from?" He smirked, sitting on her desk, making her cringe.

She performed an attack on her opponent and paused the match, making sure not to accidentally forfeit. 

"Did you forget who's still using the school's laptops because they dont have one of their own?" 

"Mmm, bringing up irrelevant things again?" He asked idly

"You came over here Jay Park. You get whats coming to you like it or not."

Jay Park...Her usual Frenemy. Since last year he's been going for more of an "enemy" vibe, but thats how he is. 

"Whatever. Look #3, fight me, I can take you down this time."

And just like that, he's being friendly...

She finished the fight and accepted the challenge. " Fine then. Lose again if you want,I level up from it anyway."

And like that they battled right up until the teacher came into the room, apologizing quickly for being so late. He handed out the packets and told them they would be using their microscopes today,so they had to get into groups.

Not being one to work in groups, she didnt jump like everyone else to find partners. Se closed her eyes, waiting for the same people who came to her to do all of the work while they wrote it down and pretended to contribute. 

"You do know you cant avoid me forever?"

Son of a-

There he was, clear as day, the Alpha she kept running in to.

"I just want to talk." He said gently

"I have nothing to say." 

"Listen we need your help."

She picked up the microscope and put it in front of her, putting the slide in. "With?"

She heard a deep inhale "One of the people in my pack...Yoongi."

Areum had picked up her pencil to write Anaphase when she heard the name she just learned.


"His name is Min Yoongi and...well...hes been out of it, taking unnecessary risks and leaving on his own to hunt someone down. I know you're his sister. He's trying to find you."

He took the paper, finished the word Anaphase, and wrote Telophase "How do you know that?" She whispered 

"Because, you look and act just like him...and, you look like the little girl in a photo he has." He said slowly "You're the only one who can stop him, he wont listen to anyone else."

"Please focus on your work class." The teacher called out

"I'll talk to you after school. Meet me in the Forest...me and my brother need to talk." 

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