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" Shit."

Namjoon attempted to launch himself at the girl but was hit with another body mid-air. Everyone stared bewildered at the forest floor, unsure where the second person had come from.


The two suddenly broke apart, somehow having shifted mid-fight, and stared each other down. It was certainly a surprising sight to see Jungkook fighting with the man he had considered his brother.

"I knew this was gonna happen..." A small voice murmured

Jimin tsk'd and looked at her boredly. "But you still went and did whatever it is you just did? Interesting."

(A/N): I am in pain writing him like this;-;

Areum frowned at him and walked around her brother, stepping in between Namjoon and Jungkook. 

"Hey um- Namjoon...I know you're in there. Can you come back? You don't want to keep fighting Jungkook, right?" 

Namjoon stared at her, his nose twitching. The wind had stilled; there was a chance. All he needed to do was listen.


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