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Lol freestyling at its finest

Proofreading? Lmfao no, not in this household

ALSO GO CHECK OUT MY FRIENDS STORY SHES NEW AND IM SO FN PROUD HER PROFILE IS AT THE END {2022 edit: lmfao so- we arent friends, I truly hate her with a passion but, I will admit shes a good writer, so feel free to go visit her page.}

Alrighty, let's go with this pile of trash😂

Areum was frantic. She was pacing back and forth, running her hands through her hair. They couldn't have been looking for her right? They were too casual walking down the sidewalk, so they weren't trying to find her. But its only a matter of time until someone...someone figures out who she actually is. If they do....the level of danger she would be in....the level of danger her mother would be in would rise to startling new levels.  Then...then he would come for her.

"FUCK!" she screamed, flinging her bag down the sidewalk

She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. It was only 6, and she needed to talk to Irene.

"Hey girlie. What's up?" Irene's pleasant voice asked through the speaker

"Where are you?" Areum asked quickly, not bothering with a hello.

"Uhhhh, about a few blocks past that Panda Express we go to on weekends. Why?"

"There's been a problem. I'm 10 minutes away from you and we need to talk."

"Talk? "

Areum sighed deeply. "I think, i mean i don't know but, I think someone know about...me."

There was the sound of wind blowing over the line before Irene spoke again. "I'll be there in five."


"For fucks sake Namjoon you cant honestly think that shes my sister." 

"You have to admit Yoongi, she has your sister's name."  Hoseok murmured, rubbing his arm gently.

"I left Daegu because i wanted to keep her safe. She's not here. She can't be.

"Why not?"

"Because if she was every Alpha male in a five mile radius would try and fucking kill her!" He yelled, his voice breaking, tears falling

"W-what?" Jimin stammered

"I cant tell you why just- she cant be here. Not while hes still alive."

*Time skip brought to you by me enjoy*

Areum stared at the building, her fingers rubbing anxiously on the pendant on her neck.

"You're sure this will mask my scent?" She whispered quickly to Irene, who was watching her with a half amused smile on her face.

"Ari, I wont tell you again, my dad studied healing and cover ups for years with my mom, that enchantment is foolproof. Unless you have a relative near, no one will recognize your scent."

Areum took an unnecessary breath to steady herself and quickly entered the school. The amount of hybrids in the school made her nose twitch with the sudden onslaught of their scents. Her....abnormality made it harder for her to block out others smells, the lack of the other students feeling the need to wear a scent blocker making it hard to concentrate.

Eventually, she got to her locker but there were four girls standing infront of it.

"Excuse me...I need to get to my locker." Areum said quietly, knowing full well they could hear her. The dark eared, and dark haired girl turned around, obviously irritated.

"That sounds like a you problem sweetheart " She said, glaring

Areum was not the type of person to have very much patience, she asks you once nicely and then you lose her respect.

And Irene wasnt there to hold her back.

"If you dont move I'll make it your problem."

"Yeah whatever."

The blonde grabbed her friends arm "Jennie, calm down." She murmured

She rolled her eyes and jerked her arm out of the blonde's grip, stalking down the hallway.

"I'm sorry about Jennie, shes in a bad mood today...she not normally this mean." The shy one said quietly, holding her tail in nervousness.

Areum raised a brow and looked off to where the girl vanished.

"I'm Lalisa, and this is Jisoo, and you sorta met Jennie." The blonde smiled


There was a scream and The entire hallway turned to see a pink haired boy getting thrown against the lockers.

Before she knew it, she was going towards him.

He whimpered, clutching his side and his ears drooping.

"Who dared to touch my little toy?" A tall Male fox hybrid purred

"I-I told you. I have a mate a-and he can sense that I-" His words broke off in a shriek as he was pinned against a locker, the other male smelling around his neck, looking for the Mark.

"Where is it babe? Hm? Wheres your little Mark?" He licked along his throat. His mouth opened, his teeth brushing along his Marked area. Before he could bite, Areum grabbed his shoulder and threw him down.

"Get your fucking hands off of him." She growled

"What are you gonna do bitch?" He hopped up and backed her into a  wall.

Her eyes closed and she took a deep breath. She remembered what her best friend told her the day before class.

Dont kill anyone Areum.

Easier said than done.

"I'll give you one chance. Back up." She said slowly

"Or what? We all know I'd kick your pretty little ass anyway."

She opened her eyes and made him fall back.

Her normally golden eyes were pitch black. There was a faint white wolf with red eyes crouching beside her and growling. She spoke once again, but her voice sounded like she'd gone insane.

"You want to fight? Let's fight you sick fuck."

Lmfao cliffhanger once again suffer😈😈

MA (past) FRIEND: AnonymouArtz
Shes gonna kill me for that but idc 😈😈

Edit: Sooooooo.

I added a picture of Jiminie because duh hes cute🥰

Theres only the three girls of BP I put four because I was debating so ye theres that. K bai.

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