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Proofreading: Yep

lmao no you thought

"You want to fight? Let's fight you sick fuck."

Areum crouched ready to tackle him to the ground when someone grabbed her sweater and pulled her back.

"I thought I told you to not kill anyone while I was at my locker." Irene said, pulling her back.

After calming a seething Areum down, she took her into a empty classroom.

"Look, you need to calm down. You cant risk getting mad to the point where you will  expose yourself. Getting mad will only make your scent harder to hide." She said, patting her cheek

"Yeah yeah....I know..."

Time skip because im lAzYYYYYYY~

The last bell of the day rang and students began crowding the hallways, shoving to get to the doors. Areum was indifferent to the crowds of students, walking against the crowd to her locker. When she got there, as she suspected there was someone in front of it. She stood behind them for a few seconds before sighing and pushing them aside. 

They gave her dirty looks, looks she greatly ignored. She was eager to get outside, to Shift into her Wolf and let the stress of the day roll through her while she ran. 

"Yugyeom! Come on man!" Someone shouted.


Where had she heard his name before?

She searched her head for some sort of reminder but she was drawing a blank. 




She closed her eyes, trying to focus on that name alone, and when she opened them, she was sitting in a chair, with two hooded figures in front of her. 

"Little one, I want you to meet my son Yugyeom. Hes going to....take care of you for a while."


The memory slipped out of her grasp and she was back in the hall Irene, yelling in her ears.

"What the hell was that for!?" She whined, rubbing her the ringing out of her ears.

"In case you didnt notice, you're standing in the middle of the hallway." Irene said, rolling her eyes.

Areum glared at her best friend, her ears flattening against her skull. "You have ten seconds to run." She said, dropping her bag and coat onto the floor next to her locker. "Ten...nine..."

Irene squeaked and ran off, faint 'im sorry's'  heard through the chatter in the hall. 

"Should've thought bout that before blowing out my eardrums~" She sang, sprinting down the hallway after her.

~Timeskip because why not?~

~Change of POV: ???~

"She's here father." He thought through a mind link.

"Follow her. I wont let her escape me again." 


You think you're safe dear Seo-Yoon...If only you knew, you will be mine soon.

A/N: In case you couldn't notice, I freestyle write, so I'm never sure how long a chapter is going to be. So it might be short as fuck or long as fuck, idk, we'll find out together. Also, it may be bad, or good, we never know, like this chapter was awful, I had writers block and was planning on restarting but I've made you wait hella long for this one so im posting it anyway-

Also, i didnt intend for this chapter to be so short. It was originally going to be longer, but I split it and put the second part in a new chapter.

Another thing. I am not going to notate every breath for you. What I mean by this is im not going to say when someone takes a shower, brushes their teeth etc. I think its simply implied. This is frankly the only time I will say this, because I see everywhere people complaining that the characters don't shower and whatnot. I'm going to say this HERE and not going to bring it up again unless its a good development for the story.

1. Everyone brushes their teeth daily

2. Everyone takes showers daily



Thank you for listening to my TED Talk.

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