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??? POV

"Well thats interesting." she mused, leaning out the window of the Student Council room, looking into the courtyard below her. The fox's orange ears twitched  when the wind hit them and she shivered.

Another girl came up behind her and looked out the window with her, unconsciously brushing her tail with the other. "What's interesting Ser?" 

Ser chuckled airily, and  closed the window. She picked up her blazer off of her seat and pulled it on. "Lets go Ris. It's time I introduced you to a friend of mine." 


"Alright, explain it to me one more time?" 

Irene groaned and sat back on the edge of the fountain in defeat. "Why are you so bad at Algebra? " 

I pouted and pressed my ears back. "I'm starting to get it,"I whined "Just one more time!"

"Excuse me."

We both  turned to see a girl in all white, a golden pin on her jacket. 

 A fox...I think?

"You're name is Areum..correct?" She asked, her voice radiating as much maturity as her posture.

"What's it to you what her name is?" Irene snapped, snatching her books up. 

"Watch who you talk to like that." 

Coming from seemingly nowhere, was another girl in all white, a similar looking pin on her jacket, except hers was blue. 

"Oh or what?" Irene got up from her seat and advanced on the pair, her ears pressed firmly back against her skull

I looked between the two and at the fox, hoping all hell wasnt going to break loose. 

Isn't she going to stop them?

She looked between the two and closed her eyes. After a moment of silence, she sighed and opened her eyes.



Both girls stopped in their tracks. Almost as if it was against their own will. 

"Tris, mitescere."

Serin looked to her friend in shock. "Quare?"

"Dont question it. Just do it." 

Tris huffed and turned, moving behind her friend once more. 

"I'm sorry I cant let you go just yet. I need you both to hear me out. My name is Serena, and I'm the president of the Student Council." She gestured to her friend "This is Tris, my personal secretary. I would like if you both came with me." 

 I looked between the two and Irene, lost for words. "I- A-alright but cant you just- Release Irene? Maybe?" 

Serena smiled apologetically and twitched her ears in the direction if Irene. She stumbled a few steps before catching herself. 

"What the hell is your issue?!" She shouted, glaring at the two

"Irene shut up."  I hissed. " We'll go with you." 

"Thank you." 

She turned and led them all through the halls. The few students in the hallways noticed the Student Council President and her secretary walking through the halls with two students, and almost instantly, whispers filled the otherwise quiet space. After a quiet trip, with Irene and Tris glaring at each other the whole trip. When they reached the room there was a crash from inside the room and Tris moved ahead instantly, almost as if out of habit. We stopped outside and listened, hearing a series of low voices and rustles in the room. 

Wolves//BTS AU/Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon