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Surprise~ I'm alive 

I did not proofread this, so excuse any grammar mistakes.

Random thing: My computer corrected 'Hoseok' to 'Hoe suck' and im still laughing

??? POV

"What are we supposed to do  with her?" 

"What we intended to do last time we had her. Shes powerful...she can hold the Demon....we use her and we rule the Wolves. Once we have the ultimate weapon...no one will dare challenge us."

Nobody POV

"Alright Jungkook. What did you find?"

Jungkook was sitting on the floor, a computer in front of him and a folder of papers in his lap, his head in his hands

"Nothing. I've been looking  for an hour, and there's nothing." He closed the computer in frustration, flopping back onto the floor.

"Thats not possible-" someone murmured

"Yeah. I fucking know that Hoseok!" Jungkook snapped, on his feet in a second, his eyes black.

"Jungkook-ah calm down-" The room was silent, shocked from his sudden outbreak.

"No! They tried to kill Taehyung, Namjoon. You think I'm supposed to ignore that !? My fucking boyfriend is on the verge of dying and you want me to calm down!?"

He was shaking. Consumed by rage, stress, and worry, he was virtually impossible to calm down. He was one more outburst away from Shifting out of rage, and a Rage Shift was dangerous. There were known cases of people killing anyone in their way because of it, and Jungkook was heading there, fast.

"Jungkook!" Namjoon shouted

"What the fuck do you want!?"

"Stop." He ordered.

Jungkook's body froze instantly, unable to disobey a direct order, even if he wanted to. 

"Listen. We are all upset about what happened to Tae, alright?  Jin is back there healing him right now, so just breathe." 

Almost on cue, Jin came back into the room, towing a tired Taehyung behind him. His face was flushed and his blue hair was wildly all over the place.

"He insisted on continuing his treatment out here since Jungkook was losing his mind." He laid the boy on the floor as he spoke, not wanting him to be on his feet for extended periods of time. "Yoongi, can you give me a hand? I want to get him back to normal as soon as possible." 

Everyone expected him to ask his usual question 'Why me?' but he just got up from the couch and squatted down next to Taehyung's head. "What happened to him?"

"From what he told me, he was in the forest, doing his usual patrols when he caught somebody's scent by our house. Naturally he went to investigate, asking permission to do so while it was so close to us would potentially put us all in danger and he didnt want to risk it. So, he followed it, and he got ambushed." Jin shrugged.

"I gathered that much," Yoongi sighed "I mean what happened ? "

Jin looked confused, but Taehyung grasped the underlying question. "A S-shadow F-f-fox."

Yoongi's ears flattened against his skull, a growl deep in his chest. Nobody knew Yoongi's backstory, Not even Hoseok,  and certain things  always set him off, and this was one of them. 

Without a word, he put his hand directly on Taehyung's wound, making his his and writhe in pain. Jin was about to say something, but the glare he got from Yoongi made him close his mouth. A few seconds later he got up and opened the front door, pausing in the doorway. 

"Come on."

"But Tae-"

"Is coming too." 

" I don't think he should-"

"For fucks sake Jungkook your boyfriend is going to be alright. Hes coming. We need everyone for this now get the fuck up and get your goddamn tail from between your legs and come on.

Yoongi POV

I know who's out there. 

I know what they are after.

They're back for one reason.

Ara is here...so now i have to protect her.


Hello people. As I said, I wouldn't be updating until life calmed the fuck down, and it has (and im assuming its temporary...life's a bitch that way) but, enjoy this insanely short, insanely bad chapter. :)

Wolves//BTS AU/Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin