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"I don't get it. You were hell-bent against this, and now you want to go for it?"


"Yoongi, Taehyung still hasn't fully recovered we cant-"

"Are you honestly that fucking dense Jin?" Yoongi snapped, growling at the elder in frustration

They had all been in the woods for an hour, mainly because everyone had the same question on their minds 'What the hell is up with Yoongi? ', and he caved, telling the rest what he was planning. 

"I don't think you understand the severity of this Yoon" The wolf on his left said quietly "I mean, they tried to kill TaeTae-"

" Look, I know that. The only reason that he was attacked, is because that was the only way to stir a reaction out of me. We're going. " 

He got up and walked away, moving to a specific destination he had been leading them all to.

" Yoongi, what if this is a trap?"

Yoongi paused, his tail swishing slowly behind him as he mulled over the possibility in his head. " Then thats a risk I'm willing to take." 



Ok so, I know that these chapters are insanely short, but I promise they will get longer in due time.

Anywho, the reason this is so short is because im making the next chapter come from someone else's point of view at the same time as the events happening that you just read, and I prefer to do that in a separate chapter rather than the same one (extra yes, I know sue me) I might change my mind on that sometime soon though. 

Welp, thats all bai~

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