-Chapter 1-

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hey quick reminder that there is a huge TW for this story, and i won't be doing seperate ones for each chapter. please stop now if you struggle with any of the previously mentioned triggers.

by the way, the quotes in bold at the beginning of chapters are lyrics from "Hey Little Girl", and are meant to go with the chapter.

also at the beginning of chapters i'll clarify whos pov :)))

kk I'll b quiet now :P

-georges pov-

"AH!! LEAVE ME ALONE", i screamed at the top of my lungs. "georgeee~", dream said in a low but teasing voice. i loved it.

we were recording a manhunt right then. for some reason, dream was chasing me, as usual, although I'M supposed to catch him. "DREAM-", i shouted. he was chasing after me. i switched to 3rd person front and saw him behind me, constantly swinging and slashing his iron sword at me. he also had full iron armor. i had an iron sword too, but leather armour.

i ran into the nether portal he had built. i carefully crossed a thin bridge he'd made earlier, running over to the fortress. i ran left and right through the fortress, until i eventually met a dead end. i could see dream's name tag crossing the bridge.

i used my iron axe to break through to the outside of the fortress, then quickly replaced the blocks and crouched. dream was running around the fortress. "georgieee! stop being so quiet i'm gonna kill you", dream laughed.

"never", i whispered, building a bridge along the outside, making my way towards the ground.

by this time dream was on the other side of the fortress, as he'd gone the wrong way.

i smiled to myself as i reached land. i had built onto a flat area of netherrack. there was a sort of mountain that i went around and built into. i staircased up inside the mountain until i stood on top, crouching and watching dream's nametag.

as he came to the dead end i had built out of, i started to get worried. "oh i'm close, i know it." shit. am i breathing too loud? how does he know? "nooope", i teased, but it was obvious that i was lying. it's hard to lie to dream, he knows what's going on for me just by my silence.

i watched as he broke a random block at the dead end, peering out and seeing my bridge. "I KNEW IT! you are so bad at hiding georgie", you could hear the smile in his voice, which was cute.

he replaced the block he looked through and moved a couple blocks over, breaking exactly where my bridge was. he crossed it and looked around, looking for any trace of me. i thought i was very safe, until there was a moment of silence. "drea-". i got hit from behind. how the fuck? "WHATTT? HOW DID YOU GET UP HERE?!", I shouted as i hit him twice, then ran away, since i knew i would lose that battle.

"you didn't close your staircase", he wheezed. "not even the entrance". ugh im so stupid. "i hate you", i said, knowing he wouldn't be offended.

i ran and ran, every now and again looking behind me. i started to climb up a hill, when i saw the portal. woah, how did i manage to make a full circle while running? i sprinted into the portal as dream screamed "WH- WHAT? WHAT THE HELL HOW ARE WE HERE?". i laughed as his confusion as if i knew any more than him.

i got to the portal and sat still waiting to be teleported through. as i did this i saw dream approach the portal. i hit him, and just as he was trying to strike back, i was through. I started to run but he was already behind me.

then, he hit me multiple times, and i ended up falling into the lava pool where the portal was made. i screamed at my defeat. "WHY ARE YOI CHASING ME? YOU COULD WIN EITHER WAY IF YOU HADN'T EVEN LAID A HAND ON ME!" although this was a joke, i was a little mad. "yeahhh but you keep trying to sneak up on me. i have to", he wheezed. "ugh", i sighed loudly. all of that running for nothing. i quickly left the game as dream said "noooo! please can we try again?", he pleaded. "no i think i'm done dying tonight", i laughed, still angry. "can we play something else?"

"actually george, i think i'm done too. if we aren't recording, i have to call my sister. i said i would as soon as we were done".

"oh that's okay", i said, disappointed. "i hope you didn't postpone the call earlier just to play with me"

"nah it's fine. its nothing urgent, we're just checking in since we haven't called in a week so you're good."

"okay see ya"

"bye georgie. i love you."

although he says this always, i'm speechless. it happens every time. he waited for a second, maybe for a reply, but i never say it back.

he gave up and left the discord call. i felt a little bad, but i know he knows i really do love him. as friends, of course. i sighed as i closed discord, only to hear my phone ding.

clay <3
i never get it back, but thats okay.
night george :)

whatever dork. goodnighttt <3

i smiled at his text, then thought for a moment. why don't i say it back? well i know it's because i'm scared... but why am i scared? of not meaning i- no. i do mean it. maybe that's what i'm afr-

my thoughts were cut off by a familiar screaming. then, i snapped back into reality. fuck.

it's my boyfriend, James.

-word count: 979-

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