-Chapter 9-

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hey little girl, you'd never believe
you get a little older youll get abandoned

-clays pov-

i sat there thinking of what had just occured. it- finally happened. we are together. maybe i hadnt noticed, but i think ive wanted this forever. my george...

i looked up and noticed that george had barely eaten still. "george, PLEASE eat a little more."

he kept his eyes down, looking at the food. "hey, i know it's hard. i know you get worried about what you look like and you've gotten so accustomed to not eating that it makes you sick. but please, little by little we can fix that" he finally looked up. "i stopped eating because i cared how HE saw me" i tilted my head. "what did he do?"

"the first time we-... the first time he had seen me undressed, he stared at me disgusted. he always would point out how much i ate. i wanted him to love me so i started working out and eating healthy, but eventually those habits turned bad as i stopped eating and working out at all."

i thought. "well he's gone now. we won't be here to judge you, although you're perfect."

he started blushing, yet his smiled faded. "but what if now i care what you think?"
"george aren't you listening to me? i don't care what you look like, and either way you're my favorite thing to look at."

he got a little flustered, and i smiled at him squirming.
he finally decided to start eating, finishing in about five minutes. "do you feel okay?"
"yeah actually" he got up on his feet. he took my hand and pulled me up. we threw everything in the bag and brought the blacket to the car. i thought we were getting in, but he suddenly grabbed my wrist and we were running. "WHAT ARE WE DOING?" i yelled since the wind in my ear made it hard to hear.

"YOU'LL SEE!" he was smiling so hard. i was so glad he'd gotten back the energy i hadn't seen in so long. we ran for about two minutes, eventually reaching a bunch of trees.

"george whe-" he went behind me and started pushing me into the woods. a pary of me wondered if i was about to be murdered, as funny as that sounds. but as we went through a couple trees, we reached two leaf covered trees. he went in front of me and pulled me through, revealing that we had gone to a river.

"woah, this is beautiful", i gazed at the passing stream. i walked to the edge, looking dowm at the tiny fish, weeds, and particles floating by.

"I've been here before, that's why i knew where this was"

"wow, thank you for bringing me"

this is perfect. although this is all for George, this is the happiest i have ever been, with anyone.

i heard a giggle come out of george."what" i laughed with him. "you're so cute, you seem so mesmerised."

"i am" i wheezed. "this is amazing"

"not at amazing as you" he said as he took my hand"

"CRINGE" i laughed as i pulled away. "oh come on now I'm just kidding." i saw his light dim for a split second until he started laughing. i pulled him into a hug. he then kissed my neck. it was brief, just a peck, it was all he could reach when we hugged. but it was so sensitive...

i tilted my head back, but after realizing what i was doing i looked down and kissed his forehead. keep it pg.

i directed my mind back to george, pushing shameful thoughts away.

"do you want to go home?" he asked.
"sure! should we watch a movie or something?"

we slowly made our way back to the car, he kept pointing out flowers and small animals on the way.

when we were finally back, i got into the correct side of the car and george clapped.
"oh shut up loser" i laughed.
he smiled.

we finally arrived home, i took the food off his lap and carried it in. i saw his mood change slightly as we walked in. i understood, so much went on here yesterday, i get scared just looking at the bathroom. i could only imagine what it was like with HIM around.

we both put the food in the fridge. he made us some popcorn while i stood there next to him watching in awe.

"what? have you never made popcorn this way?"
"no, i have always done it in a bag- you can do it in pots?" he laughed at my confusion.

he poured it into a bowl and we walked to together toward the couch. i sat down and he plopped next to me, touching my side. he leaned into me and i put my arm around him. he felt so cute and small next to me.

we decided on a romantic movie, i had read the description but hadn't seen what it was called. we sat there for about an hour, watching, until a sexual scene came on.

we both froze and he tried to act like he wasn't watching. we both knew he was.

he shifted slightly on my lap. shit. am i supposed to think of it this way? eventually, he looked up, making eye contact with me. i leaned in and kissed him. it went on for a while, and as it happened he slowly had turned to face me. is this going further? do i want it to go further?
he was moving his head much more now, breathing heavily. should i ask whats happening? would that ruin it? he is the one starting it though, so maybe its up to me.

his hand was moving through the hair on the back of my head. he started tugging a bit. he slowly began to kiss my neck now. i realized i was into it, but pulled back quickly. i had to ask.

"is this okay?" he wasn't upset that i pulled away.
"y-yes, if it's okay with you?"
"i-i just feel bad, i don't want to take advantage of you, being in the mental state you're in." i felt bad stopping him, but it was for his sake.

"...you might be right. i-im sorry"
"dont be! trust me could've stopped you. its not that i don't want to just... i think we should wait maybe"

i watched as he slowly left that mood, understanding what i meant. "yes, of course".

we were silent for a second. conversations like this shouldn't be awkward, it's just communication. i wasn't sure if i had done the right thing, but if there was a thin line between right and wrong, it's better to not.

"hey, I'm a little tired, and this movie a bit boring, do you want to go to sleep?"
"sure georgie" he started walking to the room, and i walked into my guest room, grabbing my bag of toiletries and clothes.

"gonna take a shower really quick!"
"okay clay."

i then went into the bathroom, a little hesitant because of what happened earlier. i set my bag down on the counter, and hopped into the shower.

it felt good. it was really refreshing after all that had happened that day.

-word count: 1227-

hey little girl // dnf // twWhere stories live. Discover now