-Chapter 7-

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hey would just like to a quick note. your partner does NOT hurt you because they love you. that is unhealthy please leave them if they hurt you

hope you feel bad for what you did to me.
i hope you lie there in your misery.

-clays pov-

i sat him down on the couch. we were both sobbing. i hadn't even noticed that i was crying.

i went to the cupboards and got him some water. i returned and he was curled into a ball on the couch. still crying.

sat down next to him and handed it. "thank you" he struggled to say it. i kept looking down at his arm, so i got up and got some toilet paper. i dabbed it along his arm to get rid of blood. i realized there was blood all over us. i went to outside the bathroom, where i had dropped my bags in fear. i got one of my hoodies.

i sat next to him and pulled off his hoodie. he covered himself. "i-im not looking like that george. you had blood all over you." he cried harder, but i got a wet towel and wiped blood off his face and hands. i looked as his other arm. it had cuts too. not from today, he had been doing this for a while. i quickly dabbed his arm again and he winced.

i pulled my sweatshirt over him. "okay okay it's done now i'm sorry".

"i-its ok" he whispered. "its only you that makes it ok"

my heart skipped a beat. what the fuck? why did th- why am i nervous?

surprised at my reaction to his words, i decided to go change my shirt.

"be right back i'm going to change really quick"

i pulled a random shirt out of my bag and switched shirts. i also pulled out a first aid kit and took out the wrap. i came back out and he had stopped crying, but was still shaking.

i sat down next to him. i picked up his water cup off the table and helped him drink it. i wondered if i was overstepping.

i lifted his sleeve and he pulled back. "please" i said, holding out my hand.

he gave me his arm, and i wrapped it in bandages.

he leaned into me and wrapped his arms around me.

i didn't know what to say.

"what do you want for dinner?"

he looked up at me. it was so cu- what?

"y-... you pick"

"okay but whatever i pick you have to eat today, you've gotten so thin"

i saw the pizza box on the counter. i stood up and lifted it. one slice. "George you ate nearly nothing"

he frowned. "i'm sorry"

"no do-" i looked at his guilty face. "don't be sorry, this is hurting you for the most part" i said for the most part because i was physically in pain seeing him like this.

i thought for a second. i had so many questions. might as well ask. "george?"

he looked at me. "how long have you hurt yourself?"

he paused.

"i first did about 3 years ago. i was almost a month clean until today."

"i'm so proud of you george." he looked at me confused. "you are so fucking strong."

"no... you literally just found me on the bathroom floor cu- hurting. i feel so bad for traumatizing you with that. im sorry.."

"you don't understand. you've been through so much recently. you hurt yourself, you were in an abusive relationship- you are the strongest person i know."
i stopped for a moment.

"it hurts to see you like this. please- how else can i help"

"no don't, you've already done enough for me"

"no i clearly haven't. you're still here, littered in cuts and bruises, shaking, afraid for your boyfriend to come ho- he better not come back. i will liter-"

"you what?"

"i will literally beat his ass if he comes back."

george smiled at me. then tried to repress it because he felt mean.

"nick's coming in 2 days" he said.

i smiled so hard. "really? that's awesome."

"yeah i told him about.. most things."

i thought for a moment. "hey, do you have enough energy to go somewhere for dinner?"

he smiled at me "sure, where ever you are"

my stomach did a flip. do i-... do i like him? i mean he's covered in cuts, shaking, starving, and pale and he still lights up my world. I'm- i'm gay?

"dream?" george was staring at me. he laughed "what are you thinking about"

i panicked and said, "just about what to get you for dinner"


i shivered. hearing him say that, calling us, "us" made me happy


im falling.

-word count: 802-

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