-Chapter 10-

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Hey little girl, you know smoking kills
You don't really care 'cause you love how it feels

-clays pov-

i stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. i slipped on my clothes and got my toothbrush out of my bag. i began to brush my teeth when i heard a crash from the room. i quickly spat and rushed in.

i walked in to see a lamp on the floor, broken, and george on the floor next to it, beginning to cry.

"george?" i walked over to him and crouched down. "hey hey what happened? are you okay?"

he just started crying. i scooped him up and placed him on the bed. i held him close to me, slightly rubbing his back. "george?" he sniffled. "it's nothing clay, i'm f-fine."
"it's not nothing, you're basically sobbing"
"no really I'm fine" tears gracefully slipped down his cheek. "i-it just fell, it was my fault"

"what happened?" i asked. "i was going out to get water and tripped on the cord"
"are you alright? did you get hurt?" why was he crying so hard?

"no" he said, quietly. i lifted his chin to look me in the eyes. i suddenly felt as though i could feel all of his emotions. "george... did it frighten you because of j-... him?"
he looked surprised that i understood, and noddly softly.
"thats okay george" i laid back against the headboard, holding him in front of me. "i understand your reaction"

we sat there for a while, eventually drifting off to sleep.

we woke up at around 11am. it was a little late, but a lot happened yesterday. i peered down to see his perfect face, sound asleep in my arms. he looked so comfortable- was i that safe for him?

we had shifted down the bed, since we fell asleep upright. i stayed holding onto him for a while, waiting for him to wake up. we were just laying down, hugging basically.

i started drifting off to sleep again. i was nearly unconscious when suddenly i heard a voice.

"guys?" it was familiar. it was nick. i looked over super quick, not enough to wake up george. "what the fuck? what are you doing? did you guys-" as i sat up i said, "no no chill! he- he had an episode and i was hugging him and he fell asleep." well that part was true, i just didn't mention the me being deeply in love and also us making out part.

"oh... okay" he looked embarrassed like walked in on something. he did kinda.

"sorry this looks really weird but i was just trying to help h-"

"no it's fine dude i get it. he's been through a lot, it just startled me"

"wait why are you here? i thought you were coming tomorrow???"

he smiled. "i wanted to surprise you guys. i told george i would leave today but i actually left yesterday"

"I'm glad you're here" i smiled at him.

he looked at george, who was sound asleep facing other way.

"what happened last night?"

"oh he uh, dropped that lamp and it brought up memories with his boyfriend"

"shit thats awful. i'm not judging what i walked in on okay?"

"yeah... that was bad but, out of everything that happened yesterday it's honestly nothing"

"...for real? what happened?"

i paused and started tearing up. i stood up off the bed and pushed his back to the living room.

"i tried to suprise him the way you did. i called for him and he didn't r-respond. i saw the bathroom light on and.."

he looked at me, concerned.

"i opened the door and he-" i was this close to sobbing right then. nick continued to listen carefully. "he was on the floor covered in blood" "WHAT THE FUCK?" nick hugged me, still confused on the situation, but trying to comfort me since i was crying. he'd never seen me cry before. "what happened?" he whispered. "he cuts himself. he was just doing it as i walked in and- and i f-fell to the ground and held him" nick was on the verge of tears. "w-what? he... how did we never know?"

i sniffed. "i-i dont know i feel s-so bad and just none of this wouldve happened if i noticed sooner and he has been cutting for a while an-"
nick hugged me again. i felt a tear drop on the back of my shirt. "this isn't your fault clay. calm down-"

"nick?" george was walking out of the room.

nick ran over and hugged George as hard as he could. "wh-" "im so sorry, we never knew what you were struggling with man and just-" nicks voice cracked, nearly making me cry harder.

"guys please- i'm okay. please don't cry over me" georges voice was obviously tired, and not very emotion right now. nick pulled back and looked at george. "we love you. please make us come back if you're ever in trouble anytime."

"oh.. okay" george smiled.

george and i watched nick try to dry his face quickly. after a long pause george told us he was going to take a shower, which was good because he hadn't yesterday.

i sat down on the couch, looking at nick. he sat down next to me, processing. we heard the shower turn on and i decided to speak.

"ah, what do you want to do today?"

"...i dunno"

i chuckled. "then lets wait for george to decide"

i began to just scroll through twitter, looking at fanarts and stuff. i decided to make a goodmorning tweet since people noticed i was gone. it had only been a day though.

i saw some random fact on twitter and wanted to see if it was real so i opened google.

when i opened google i looked down and there was local news about a carnival going on.

"hey nick? should we go to the carnival down-town?"

"wait for real? there's a carnival right now? yeah of course we should go" he seemed excited.

-word count: 1021-

hey little girl // dnf // twTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang