Chapter 5

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I've decided to switch Loki's POV to third person since it's much easier for me. It'll still be identified as Loki's POV though, for simplicity's sake.


Loki's POV

Ebony slept soundly on the cot. Loki watched the slow rise and fall of the sheets, simply glad that she had agreed to rest here where he could be close to her. She had protested, saying she only had three hours. But their conversation had drained her and he could see that she hadn't been sleeping well to begin with. He was content to spend three hours with her like this, if only it would help her.

A throat clearing outside his cell made him turn. Sigyn raised her brows. "She's forgiven you, I see. Quick to do that, isn't she?"

"Loki, I apologize!" Jeg, the head guardsman on duty jogged towards them.

Loki held up a hand. "She's a handful, I know. Pay it no mind." He leveled his glare towards Sigyn. "Leave us alone." He said. Her smile fell and she looked around.

"Really? You're rejecting the one woman who could bring you back into Odin's good graces? The one who offers you the most. But you want a lowly Midgardian?"

He rubbed his temples "You and I grew up together; we enjoyed each other's company for a time. I understand that you still have some attachment to me." Her face contorted into fury at this point. "However, I never returned the sentiment. I have Ebony now. If you're so faithful to me, if you love me as you claim to, then leave us be."

"Loki, you know I am the goddess of fidelity." She tried to smile.

"Yes, and you were a loyal friend in our childhood. You were a loyal lover. But there is no need for that anymore."

"I'm afraid I can't do as you ask."

"I'm not asking. It's an order." His tone went from reasoning to ice cold in seconds.

"Oh, but you're no longer royalty. Not until the All-Father accepts you back into the family. So, you have no right to order me around. In fact, I could order her to be taken away right now. And then maybe I can finish convincing you of the future you're giving up for her."

"Jeg?" Ebony's sleep-thickened voice called from behind him. "Do me a favor?"

"Yes, m'lady."

"Drag her out and don't allow her back in here. Ever."

Sigyn sneered. "You don't have the authority." She shook off Jeg's hand.

"Then I'll get an order from Odin." Ebony stood and came to stand in front of Loki. "I'm sure he isn't fond of you. The only chance Loki has to get back into his good graces? Please. You're not even in them. You're nothing but a gold digger with a hearing problem if you can't hear the disdain in everyone's voice when they talk to you. I'm sure you're fun in the sack, Loki wouldn't have tolerated your attentions otherwise. But if even Fandral stays away now, you must really not be worth the trouble. Odin, I'm sure, would jump at the chance to have you gone. And I don't think anyone would miss you. So, before I have to get all emotional and use my pregnancy as an excuse to kick your ass to kingdom come, get the hell out of my sight and stay out of it."

With a small smile, Jeg lowered the golden staff head guardsmen carried and pushed Sigyn back a few steps. "You heard her."

Sigyn shoved him away and spun on her heel, stalking away. Loki placed careful hands on Ebony's shoulders, kissing her cheek before nuzzling into her neck. "You're actually rather magnificent when you're angry. But only when you're not angry with me." She smiled.

"You better behave then so I don't have to be angry at you."

"Darling, when have I ever behaved?" He smiled into her neck. Rolling her eyes, she turned in his arms.

"I don't know why I put up with you."

He bent and kissed her, a quick peck on the lips only. "Because you love me?"

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