Chapter 37

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Loki's POV

Luk kept his distance for the duration of his stay. Loki refused to seek him out. He couldn't forgive him for encouraging Thanos, for helping him in one of the most brutal genocides to date, for supplying him with the power and troops that Loki had suffered under. A man he had called friend was responsible for bringing that demon into his life. And he had allowed him to marry his daughter.

The thought sent fury roiling up through his blood.

"You can't forgive him for not being better than you?" Ebony had challenged. She leaned languidly on the bathroom doorframe, holding her towel around her.

"I haven't forgiven myself and I was the one tortured!"

"He was deceived. You weren't."


"Eve was deceived." She held up a hand. "Adam made his choice and blamed it on her. Don't be Adam." She had pointed firmly at him before disappearing back into the bath.

She hadn't spoken to him for the rest of the night or the morning after and he sensed she was letting him mull over her words. He didn't know what to think.

Seeking a neutral party that would distract him from his thoughts, Loki knocked softly on Sigyn's door. It opened and there stood Sigyn, smiling at him. "Oh it is you!" She said. "I thought I recognized that knock. Come in." She stepped aside and he went in, smiling a hello at her.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Well. I was getting ready to go out for a ride. Would you like to join me?" She hesitated. "That is... if Ebony would allow it."

He nodded. Ebony had been on edge since Sigyn had left the infirmary a few days ago. Sigyn had hurt her husband nearly beyond repair and Ebony still suspected she would try to steal him away. But Sigyn was not the same. Just as his wife had forgiven him for not being in his right mind when he attacked, he could forgive Sigyn. Forgiving himself was another matter entirely. "Ebony can't complain about my spending time with a friend, old wounds aside." He smiled brightly at her now. "I would love to join you."

She grinned and turned to the door. "I will meet you by the stables then?" He nodded and returned to his rooms to dress in more comfortable clothes. Ebony looked up as he came in and gave him a questioning glance when he turned to his closet. He came out dressed in riding boots and jacket.

"Where you going?"

"For a ride with Sigyn." He bent and quickly kissed her. "I need to think. There's nothing to worry about."

Giving him a look that said all about how she didn't like it, she waved him off. "Kay."

He met Sigyn outside the stables. She was mounted atop a speckled grey mare, looking similar to Sleipnir. He mounted Sleipnir and they set off for an area of rolling hills and calm meadows, their old hideaway. She turned to him.

"Ebony did not protest?"

He shrugged. "She did not seem happy but she did not protest. She has never been a particularly jealous one. She trusts me, foolish as that may seem."

"Why is that foolish?"

"After all I did to her and her people and friends. She has always believed in me."

Sigyn shrugged. "I admire her for it. It shows that she can see you as few others can. She understands you, even better than I ever did."

He looked sideways at her. "You understood me quite well before I found the truth of myself."

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